St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rochfortbridge, Westmeath

A Rose

If I were to love a rose,
I’d love it from within.
The thorns that defined it’s pain,
The leaves that fostered the vain.
For the rose wouldn’t be who I love if it wasn’t for the red.


There Is Only One Of Me

People say countless times
There is only one of me.
And I look at myself and wonder
who I’m meant to be.
From my wit
and hard working grit
No, that’s not really it
That was a bit crazy that last bit.
Wait! Crazy! Yeah that’s me.
Weird, eccentric, ludicrously
I hope I speak intelligently.
I don’t think, like other people
and I’m no smarter, but that’s okay.
I think not being like others is the better way.

And now I see what it’s really like to truly be…
Only one of me.



I feel men in their teens and early 20s especially are all just pushed into this idea of a strong rich popular man and it creates this illusion that men can’t be themselves and that they can’t be weak. Social media has also created easy access to inappropriate videos and images which have ruined the minds and thinking of young adult males and teenager males. This has led to more men becoming more lustful in their relationships rather than loving women for who they are and that they are accepted for who they are around them.



Emotions are the colours that paint our days
Each shade unique in different ways
Feelings make us human raw and pure
An endless journey, no map to follow
In the flow of the hearts own sea
Our feelings define who we strive to be.



I think the world would be better if women didn’t feel the need to look into things deeper than they should. I think men try live up to their stereotype too much rather than focusing on being themselves. They can’t be seen crying or they being vulnerable or gay, they can’t be romantics instead they’ve to be players and it’s all about how many women they’ve been with and whose looks better. I think there should be more consequences for assaults, especially sexual assaults, because I feel like the main reason why women are “scared to walk alone in the dark” is because men have too much freedom to do things without much consequences. I think men are forced to have a big ego. I had a guy friend growing up who we both got to show our vulnerable sides to each other. He would often tell me about his insecurities and say not to say to his friends which shows that they can’t be themselves and show their true feelings because of how they are seen stereotypically and it’s sad to see. I got to see how he changed over the years because of the influence of his friends who probably went through the same thing.



The life they choose, the path they take

influenced by many who seem real but are fake

the way these little things make them feel

maybe after all nothing was real

the money they spent, the joints they rolled

after all the fun, their left in a deep hole

For Men

I wish men knew its okay to be you,
and they dont have to hide when they feel so blue,
the silent cry’s and deafening jokes,
is just the world of “the” blokes ,
as a women i feel so sorry,
as i wish men could know there is no need to worry.



In a world where you can choose what person to be , choose to be the better person.
Instead of trying to be a different person to be “cool” or “liked” be your own person and let your inner self shine .
Instead of insulting others by trying to be “cool” stop listening to others and be you.
Always think before you say cause little do you know , you can ruin someone’s day.
Always be the better person and stop trying to be “cool”.

Being a Man

It’s crazy being a man,
You have to act like someone your not just to fit in.
For me I don’t play sports, I don’t slag people,
I like to be nice and kind and do things I like doing.
Guys think masculinity is being the best in everything,
When it’s just being kind, being hard working and caring for the people you love the most.
Being a man is crazy,
But don’t be someone your not.


“Opening Night,”

Blinding lights,
No feel of fright,
I smile bright,
On opening night.

I twirl and spin,
And plaster a grin,
As I belt and sing,
To a wonderful thing.

Next comes the ballad,
Sincere and sad,
As they seem so down,
Tears rolling down.

Each scene filled with passion,
In different fashions,
And giggles backstage,
As the scene takes an age.

Someone tripping,
A costume ripping,
A voice cracking,
A mic crackling,

A high note hit,
An audience gripped,
A dance perfected,
Few corrected,

So many slips,
So many rips,
Yet all has flowed,
By the end of the show.

No better buzz there is,
Than in a performance,
Onstage under the lights,
On opening night.



People change everyday
Sometimes people don’t get there way
This world can be crap to be honest
It’s so hard to trust people when they can’t keep a promise

Some lads treat girls like dirt
And some girls think that’s a flirt
Lads think other lads are gay if they don’t play sport
Then that makes other lads feel short

So please think before you say
It might change someone’s day.



Whenever they glance
or smile at me
my heart skips a beat
and I internally hurls

Butterfly’s whell up in my stomach
I feel like hell.

I’d love to be able to talk with ease
but anytime i try to talk to one
my confidence disappears in a breeze.

Cat Call

I wish women could walk freely especially at night time.
I wish I was able to take lovely night walks and listen to music
but I’m always looking over my shoulder and crossing roads
whenever I see a group of men out of fear.
It makes me mad because men will never have to deal with that
and they have no idea what it feels like to be catcalled.


Lads these days are always the same
If you are different theres rumour’s to ur name
Every second lad is smoking a fag
And if you do you then you’ll be slagged

If you want to fit in then you have to be rough
But trying to be like that can be tough
If you look at the lads they all look alike
Everyone dressed in a tracksuit from nike.


What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?
Is it to be successful and have lots of money
Or is it to have power and control over others
Or maby its somthing different altogether.

What does it mean to be human?
Maby it is to create wonderful art,
And to build life long relationships,
And to explore the worlds lands and secrets,
And to push boundaries others have set.

What does it mean to be human?
It’s a question we all ask but never get an answer,
What it mean to be human is all up to you.


To understand me

To listen , to care.
You can’t be the one who’s always there .
You say you’ll buy me flowers
give me all your hours
but when the real rain showers you were just a coward.

Blinding lights

No feel of fright,
I smile, real and bright,
At the audience of opening night,

The song comes and goes,
A ballad of my woes.


Be You

If you want to fight or to get 625
If you want to hit a ball or make something nice
If you want to sit in the corner or go to everything
If you want to read a book or like a guy
It doesn’t matter once your you.


Why is human being not being human
shaped differently but acting indifferent
aspire to be like don’t try to be else
why are self and oneself are being so distant
is the society holding you back
is the reason to change that what you lack
be you that’s it.



I enjoy who I am
I may be different in a ways
But why is there always them people that judge
They are all just stupid
I live in a life where there are people with nightmare nights
and some hidden secrets
To hide from different people cause there

A Man

A man should be kind.
He should be a certain height
He should be easy to find
And he should be bright

He must treat you right
He should buy you stuff
Yous should never fight
He shouldnt act tuff

The girl you don’t really know

People think they know who I am
But I don’t think that’s true
Sometimes I don’t even know who I am
People only know about the school work that I do

People think it comes easy but that isn’t the way
Really I just work, work, and work some more
People think it’s all I do or say

But really they don’t know about the pressure
The pressure of expectations
I’ll never live up to the pressure
The pressure of my own expectations.

A man

He may hide behind a scary mask,
A woman, behind one of a popular girl
But really, doing this will only irradiate
The sadness we meet when we are left to unfurl

I truly think that we would have less fear
If we all became more honest, and mere,
More truthful and maybe we will see
That the mask we hide behind is not right for me.


Behind a mask

There’s a girl in a class
Trying to pass
Trying her best
She’s so stressed
All she needs is rest
They say “it’s just a test”
She still tries her best

The Lads

From sexism
and racism
to slagging and bragging
lads often think
it’s all the same
and fine lads often try
to impress
instead of doing
what they want themselves.



being a man isnt about calling a girl a Ho to make the lads think were as good as them all

its about calling out the man whos been treating a girl poor

or going up to the man who beats his wife to the floor

its about protecting the people around us not putting them down so that we can soar


From my bed, to my school,
to listen to what is said, its all part of the schedule,
i get my dinner, and go to training, i am not a quitter, its a simple thing,
i like my day a lot when nothing is said,
then i hit the pillow and im off to bed.

Life does not stop

i cant pause time in order to catch my breath.
the months slip by my finger in the blink of an eye.
the memories i used to hold in my hands continue to drift farther and farther out of my reach.
i find myself unable to move on.
i dig the soles of my shoes into the soil of the past in order to fight against the current of time dragging me forward.
i’ve spent so long reflecting on the past that somehow i have found myself lost in the future.


Vulnerability shows character and will show someones true self,
it is one of the goods in this world.
Emotion is the greatest gift humanity was ever given.
Think good and good will come your way.
No matter what situation you’re in there will always be a positive way out of the situation.
Never end something because it is bad at that moment,
everything will always become good in the end if you believe it will.
Think positive and the world will be positive to you.

I hate boys

I hate boys, not men just boys
Boys that don’t act there age
When there 16 but act 5
I hate boys when they ask for your body
And you say no and they make you feel bad about it
I hate boys that say they want you and then a few days later are out with another girl
Boys just have to grow up and stop acting like every other boy in this world
Just be a man

Thin Grey

Behind the thin grey walls,
Among all of the Harry’s Cathal’s and Paul’s.
You can see all the distressed faces,
Faces with minds quite clearly in different places.

Sometimes you wonder what they would do,
To maybe just go to the loo.
Just to get away,
And get on with their day.

What Irks

I hate the way they joke about things they don’t understand, things they’ve never experienced and don’t know that feeling of fear. I hate the way women are made to feel like sluts but men can do what they want and are glorified for it. Why do we as people think we have the right to comment about a persons situation that we’ve never been in. Why do we judge people for the way the they look, dress and act instead of what’s really on the inside that makes us who we are.


We are

Sent to school form an early age,
Even if we don’t wish,
The girls are disrespectful,
The boys act like pigs,
I wish I didn’t have to go here,
But they are what they are,
And it is what it is.


It has a strangle hold on creativity.
It serves as the worlds greatest killer
of imagination and curiosity.
Every person is trying so desperately to be the exact carbon copy of each other.
Alternative taste in music and clothes is ridiculed to almost “high school movie” levels,
meanwhile people who dont engage in sport are shunned and considered weak.
Ireland is actively committing a genocide of creative freedom and imagination,
and all of its people play a part.
The three options presented to the creative irish person are to either leave,
be the subject of ridicule until the end of time or to simply become someone else.

A person

who tries to hurt others
to make themselves look tough
or cool
is truly the most insecure
and vulnerable on the inside
out of all of us.

Get in at 8:20

every day and, all I want to do is hit the hay
But I get called lazy from someone who dosent know what I don’t at home , even tho I’d love to hit them in the dome,
But I don’t why because it’s not worth it ,
I hate homework and school because it’s shit ,
All I want to do is get rich or die trying

I am

Slowly becoming more and more confident the more i become like me,
I have learnt how to filter out peoples opinions
to become the best version i can be,
as a lad who does not do sports it was hard to fit in,
but now i have the confidence to show what’s hidden within.

You think that your class

By calling her names
But you do it because you know
She doesn’t like you the same.

On the pitch

Where dreams ignite,
A ball rolls under the floodlight,
With every pass and every goal,
The spirit of the game takes hold.

School is tiring

There is too much homework
Buses come too early
Because of the early starts
And people aren’t attending school
Because they’re not arsed.

The Way Things Are 

It always bugs me,
When I do see,
What the world thinks of me,

I cannot be weak,
Violence I must seek,
Why can’t I just be meek.

School is not so cool.

People laugh when we fall
we just have to make a call.
School, School, School
A school is not so cool.
We have to work hard to get good grades
I’m not going to do it no more
I do it everyday.
We cant go on the grass
We cant bother another class
