St. Joseph’s Patrician College ‘The Bish’, Galway

That feeling

That feeling walking down the tunnel
The clicks and cracks that echo down the tunnel
The loud but yet quiet movements
That empty feeling
That excited feeling
That happy feeling
That scared feeling
The unknown feeling
The feeling of not knowing whether your excited or scared
The whole week has been led up to this time,
Why get scared
Why now
Why not later
But being scared is what comes with the game
Being scared is what shows you care
Being scared is part of the job
Its ok to be scared.

The World

The world is big and round
It feels small and cold
People are small and vulnerable
People look big and invisible

The world is not how is it seems
Some may think is harsh and mean
But deep down everyone is kind
That is the way the world truly is.


The sun comes up the sun goes down
They shuffle through the same old town
No spark no thrill not tale to keep just wake and work and eat and sleep
The clock hands turn the hours crawl
No rise no fall just nothing at all
The days repeat a muted haze
A loop of gray unchanging days

Being a Man

Being a man is to care as well as careless.
To not worry about things that don’t matter and to for things that do.
To fight for what you believe in no matter the consequences
And to accept the little and large with open arms.
As everyone deserves respect and empathy
Everyone is connected and everyone is effected by each others action
So think about what it feels like to be the little person

I Wake Up

I wake up to a world slowly being pulled apart,
I wake up to a world designed to keep our attention away from anything that does not make someone else a profit,
I wake up to a world of polarization, where any opinion will have half the world loving you and half the world at your throat,
I wake up to a world of climate change, wondering how soon we will kill off ourselves, through our own ignorance,
I wake up to a world seemingly on the brink of war,
I wake up to a world controlled by algorithms and media, where we only see the stories that divide us further,
We wake up to this world, yet we still go about our day, hoping ignoring it all will send it away. I hope we’re right.

IF I Can

If I can walk across the road,
I can go back to my humble abode.
If I can take a serious test,
I can go back home and take a rest.
If I can work for some money,
I can go back to greet my honey.
If I can learn from my mistakes,
I can do whatever it takes.


I’d like to use my strength to protect,
I try but fail,
That’s my defect.
Instead I do what’s easy, does that make my mind frail?
That’s what I think it is to be a man.
To help, whenever we can.
Even if we fail along the way,
You could save someone, or just make their day.


When the morning comes
and the alarm clock yells
it’s hard to get out of bed
when the sun hasn’t bothered either

It feels like it’s too much effort
than what it’s worth
like fighting an up hill battle
and the enemy having twice as many people

But the moment I stand up
I feel a bit of joy
knowing that in a few hours
I can go back home

Being a man to me

Being a man to me is finding who you are,
Not the strength you have, the money you make or if you drive a fancy car.
Being a man to me is learning to be yourself
And not to keep hiding your emotions on the shelf.
Being a man to me is about the connections that you make,
The trust you build with people, like bonds that just won’t break.
If there’s one thing I’ve been told it’s to take a step back,
just one or two.
And to always remember,


The world is full of vulnerabilities
In my life I need some stability.
My life is up and down like a bee,
If only those around me could see!


Masculinity is being brave
Even when facing the possibility of being in the grave.
Being vulnerable and standing tall even when your about to fall.

Double Standards

Lets talk about porn addiction, it’s really bad
But we seem to only care when it’s done by a man.
We don’t see how it affects women too,
Let’s talk about body count for a man it’s a medal,
when a girl talks about it we treat her like the devil.
I can’t really think of any other ones right now though.


The feeling of that illegal rush
From drinking in a pub the silent hush,

Returning home with a smell of spit
Waking up feeling at the bottom of a pit,

That confidence in-front of any girl
To later on you feel your belly begin to swirl



They are scared of a difference.
I make my own decisions I never look back since.
If you don’t do this, that,
They think you’re just a mismatch.
I refer to them as ‘they’.
If you’re not they, your gay.
But at the end of the day,
If you’re not you, maybe you the fool.

A Man

What is it a man? A strong brave creature ?
An alpha, a hero, a natural born leader ?
These questions not answered
Forced to figure it out
Will it be answered I highly doubt.


I’m in the thick of it
Everybody knows
They know me where it snows
I skied in and they froze
I don’t know nothing
Got no ice I’m just cold
40 something million
So I’ve been told.

The Man I Think I Am

The man I think I am
Or the man I’m pressured to be
I think I am sensible man
I’m pressured to be this strong independent man
But sometimes I fell like it’s hard to share my feelings even though I’m a human being
Strong on outside but weaker inside.

The Man

I know the man i am today
Not perfect but ill find my way
Ive made mistakes i learned a few
Still chasing dreams still pushing through.

I stand with pride i speak my mind
No need to fake no need to hide
I walk my path take my stand
I know myself I’m the man.


In a warm stuffy room
I sit in loud silence
On a slippery wooden chair
Counting the hours until the weekend
Only for it to zip by
And for me to be left in a loop
An endless cycle.

I Lost My Imagination

At my desk, I sit at home.
And think of the things that could have grown.
The dragons flying high above, to monsters waiting down below.
All these things that could have been, had I got that pen and page.
Now no hope to ever show, they sink down to the great unknown.


How can I be a man
How can I be myself
How can I get all the girls
How can I be the most popular
How can I focus on myself
Which path do i choose?
Which path is right for me?
Do i need to choose now?
Or is there still time?
Does anybody know?
Are we all still figuring this out?
Make your own answers.

Something New

I was born in Dublin and dragged away
I found Galway and was happy to stay
I went to school and found a few mates
I found a girl and went on a few dates
I’ll stay here till my time is due
And then I’ll leave here for something new.


Words, so cruel yet sometimes so cool, used by some greatly and used by others when they may hate me.

Words, they can be used so nice, but can also be used to belittle some to the size of a mice.

I often wonder why words can’t be used to bring people to a high, and remember how words are often only used greatly by those with experience only seen by very few eyes.


We live in a world of vulnerability and blame
But that gives those around you no reason to shame
When you feel sadness and emotion
You can always cheer up with a love potion
Be the best version of yourself
As this may be the your last chance to put your feelings on the shelf.
And don’t forget to be humble and kind
Because you are the only one who can be great in your mind.


They say they need you,
When you need them they just get up and leave you.
Yet I’ll love ya til the grass around my gravestone is deceased.
But remember love is only a feeling.
And everyone leaves if they get the chance.

Everywhere You Go

Everywhere you go its the same person
That you will get ridiculed for not being
Everywhere you go its the same music
That you will be called weird for not listening
Everywhere you go its the same talk
That you will get picked on for speaking
Everywhere you go its the same.


Drink to me was an alien thing that adults would talk about and partake in regularly and was of mild consequence

Drink to me was something to be cautious of because my brain is not developed and it will stunt my growth. I thought they meant physical growth

Drink to me is a warning of what is to come

Drink to me is images of a mutilated smoking engine halfway through the nice neighbours wall

Drink to me is the beeping of hospital wards and gasping grasping breathing of a bloody victim

Drink to me is numbing.

Being a Man

Being a man is tough
Your life could be over in one sentence
And then it could be rough
Women think men want one thing
But they don’t understand men enough.

But at the end of the day
Just because some men are bad
It doesn’t mean every man is
And the more women can understand that
The more vulnerable men will be