St. Jarlath’s College

Art by Claudine O’ Sullivan


True Cost

My life is full of ups and downs
From the joy of winning football matches
And lifting trophies in the most prestigious grounds
To feeling so down and out that you feel stuck
Surrounded by people encouraging you on
And still feeling so lost in life you frown
My life is so wonderful but yet I still feel lost
I don’t know my true purpose in life just yet
And one day I will just see my true cost.



This is where my favourite football team is,
This is where there’s passion,
This is where the heart belongs,
This is where we come alive,
This is where we connect.


Together As One

This is where we come together,
All for one and one for all,
Where bones are broken and dreams are fulfilled.

This is where the ball gets thrown in,
And where the whistle sounds,
The fight has only just begun.

This is where fine margins are vital,
Where every last drop of energy counts,
And many small victories and losses will occur.

This is where the whistle sounds and the fight is over,
Where many have given everything,
Which proved to have fallen short.
This is where we come together,
All for one and one for all.


Discerning Reality

Long hair, tall and proud
Lovely eyes, a lovely smile
An angelic voice, like a nightingale
But it’s all a character.

What’s real, what isn’t real?
What feelings are there and what aren’t?
What infatuation exists and what is simply an illusion?
I guess we’ll never know,
It might just all be a show.


Sailing Away

The wind blowing
The water shimmers
The wind in the sails
The eagerness to explore in the air
Not worrying about anything
A man’s dream
But another man’s nightmare.


Ready To Run

From when the first whistle blows intentions have changed,
Blood begins to boil and tensions will rage,
Fighting for your teammates ready to engage,
Win lose or draw together we fight,
Do all that we can and mark our man tight.