St Declan’s College

The Greatest Match

The grass resiled through the players
The atmosphere was authentic.
The tackles were flying in

The players were frantic
The stadium was mere strangers
The match was a mere battle between winners and losers.

Today was the day the players were tarnished.
The match ended the fans felt hysteric.

Workshop of Beliefs

From the bottom of my heart I believe this to be true,
Pulp Fiction’s a great film, and the Star Wars sequels weren’t great,
But there’s one other thing I hold near to myself,
This class was served to us on a silver plate.

I remember the talks like they were minutes ago,
about that teachers experiences, and how he managed to strive,
how he survived his childhood and made it this far,
and that all that’s needed is to accept that that’s life.

On this small world we live on there’s lots that can happen,
the disrespect of others, and misogyny too,
Andrew Tate makes it worse, but we can look right past him,
All these nonsensical sentences, in the past to make anew.

I thank this teacher for opening my eyes,
to the things in society that grow very dire,
but we need to be us, we need to be ourselves,
and we must continue that until we expire

15 year old boy

here once was a boy, just fifteen,
Whose room looked like a tornado had been.
With socks on the floor,
And snacks by the door,
He claimed it was art. What a scene!

He tried to impress with a dance,
But tripped on his shoes.
He laughed as he fell.
Guess I’m not doing so well!

At fifteen, life’s a wild ride,
With laughter and blunders he can’t hide.
But through all the mess,
He knows he’s blessed,
In this crazy journey, he takes in stride!

he broke his leg and fell of a cliff.
he sliced his head in half.
he died painfully and at the bottom of the hill,
he was dinner for the coyote


The boys are slagging women, I think “This isn’t me.”

The boys are joking about Racism, I think “This isn’t me.”

The boys are going over to watch a fight in the park, I think “This isn’t me.”

The boys are bullying someone, I think “This isn’t me.”

The boys slag certain music taste, I think ”This isn’t me.”

The boys joke about my music taste, I think “Well that’s me.”

The only thought in my head when I am slagged is, “Well that’s me.”


I hate the school system
This place is like a prison
We ask to drink water, like that’s teaching us wisdom.
The bathrooms are locked and fun is forbidden

The students are fools, who think they are cool
maybe its just the spot where the school was built
but maybe its Cara, where blood is constantly spilt


Over a long period of time
Waves gushing in the front line
Over the shadows of despair
Feel the goosebumps through your hair.

The wind whistling in the dark
Trees singing throughout the park
The moon shining bright in the night sky
Sitting on clouds having the feeling to fly.

2D in a 3D life

The colours come and go like a breeze,

The understanding never hitting me.

We are stuck by the wall of our brain,

Can’t make anything new while knowing the same name,

we are stuck in a box that has no name but we say its a box does that contradict what I say?

We are fools in our own life, we make rules and names when we don’t know the games name.

What I’m saying is, we are constricted by our own brain, we cant make a new colour because we see them everyday.

Imagination is limited like a box in our head, but there no name for the box so why do we give it a go ahead.

Because we need a limit it would seem, peoples imagination cannot go free.

We are constricted by the ways of life, so give it a thought and come back to life.


The water of a long river comes from the sky,

goes to the ocean and never returns.

It keeps its step on the ground.

That’s the river.

There was no road in the world before,

a lot of people walk on the same way.

That’s a road.

Maybe it’s impossible to do something for you now,

but if more and more people agree with you.

That’s possible.

Being Myself

I myself am me,

It’s not someone else who I pretend to be,

I feel only empathy to those who can’t see,

That difference is good and allows you to be free.

I wish for a more accepting society,

With people who live their lives to it’s entirety,

Not having to live in constant judgement and anxiety.


As I lay down on my cold grass I called myself a bed,

and the stars above me twinkle slightly ahead.

I imagine myself in a situation,

A situation I would have deemed near impossible a few days ago.

what I have imagined is a tavern filled with laughter and holler.

with tales from adventures that seemed so long ago.

as I heard the roaring laughs and olden tales said by people of the young and of the old.

the tales of powerful heroes of old.

as the stars far away shine brightly once again.

Echoes of Valour

in fields where silence once embraced the dawn,
Now echoes clash where dreams of peace are drawn.
The sky, a canvas streaked with smoke and fire,
Bears witness to the hearts consumed by fire.

Beneath the weight of heavy armours tread,
The soil drinks deep of tears, of hopes long dead.
Yet in the shadows, whispers still remain—
Of love that blooms, despite the scars of pain.

For every battle fought, a story stays,
Of courage found in the most dire of days.
Though war may rage and tear our worlds apart,
The ember of compassion sparks the heart.

The Island

In the long wait for the ferry my brain ran a stray,
Thinking of my life I once though was very far away,
Now so close I can almost touch the life I am now dreading,
The life back on the island.

This Island awful that I cant seem to escape,
The council estates all around,
People who’s lives they cant escape the system so wrong so wrong,
The drugs on every corner and all the people lined up to buy,
I try to think of a life where I am off this island.

Now that I am at the end of my away days,
And the island now feels so close,
I wonder back to a time where this trap that’s set to naturally is not there so to speak,
Where people live and learn and can escape the trap set by ourselves,
And at the end of my journey when I return home,
I look around and see the all blue sky’s and I think maybe there’s hope for us

And the people trapped on this island.

Young Men

I am waiting for the day young men stop trying to fit in and start trying to stand out,

I am waiting for the day young men stop putting other people down because they don’t fit in,

I am waiting for the day young men will not fold when faced by the social pressures of their environment,

I am waiting for the day young men can be themselves without being slagged,

I am dreaming of these days every day and night,

Although deep down I know that these days will never come.


In the morning cold a mother waits,
John is still out with his mates.

In the morning cold a mother waits,
The lawn untouched, so are the gates.

In the morning cold a mother waits,
Alone she is, she feels a weight.

In the morning cold a mother waits,
She gets the call, she faints.

In the morning cold a mother died,
This is why John had always lied.


I’m not a fool,

but schools not cool,

I have to go cause I’m no use with a tool,

and I’m dreaming of ending up with a pool,

but I’ll need money,

and I’m not being funny,

but I’ve as much chance as making it big,

As someone finding love on an oil rig,

that’s the plot,

might end up in a parking lot,

with less to my name than a pot,

and there I might rot,

have a baby with no cot,

the big shot, I am not,

Its not the dream,

to end up as a meme,

not trying to get my hopes up,

I’m not trying to a big pup,

I don’t think I’m a big dog,

might end up as another cog,

in the machine of life.


Almost half of Dublin’s homeless people are aged 0-17 years.

It’s a very scary place
young kids cant find shelter
who’s gonna save your “melter”
when reality is looking at you face-to-face

extremely stranded you are
stuck in the Dublin street
you’re unsure you’ll make it far
standing there in defeat

You’re unsure what to do
the Dublin housing crisis
you feel like you will never pass-through
the never ending crisis.

Leaving Home

The day I found out was the toughest part. the thought of packing up the boxes and packing up my feelings of the place I once called home.

The laughs and tears from me and my brother echoing between each footstep we take to walk out the old rotten wooden door.

The scratchy feel it leaves on your hand was no longer annoying to me as it will be the last time I’d feel it, almost now wishing I could experience it one more time.

The one last glance at the house was the day that no heartbreak could ever phase me again

The Game

The enemy stands;
Across the battlefield.
Both sides, a disorganised mess;
Yet ready for war.

The fifteen soldiers, with weapons in hands,
Ready to die for each other;
March on with a flame in their eyes,
All for a ball, thrown in the centre.

The Pitch

stepping onto the pitch escaping it all

the school its classrooms and even its halls

forget all your problems as your winning the ball

step off the pitch forgetting it all.


doing sports,

liking it now,

having a laugh,

doing good,

getting better,

doing more,

getting stronger,

gonna do it all more.

The Match

As a team,

with blood,



determination and a bit of luck,

we made to where we all aspired to be.

Parnell Park,

Saturday afternoon,

championship final.

As I had my AirPods in,

walking around the pitch,

getting a feel for the freshly cut grass ,

manifesting the match,

I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

As I look over to the stands and see my family just as nervous as me,

my mam holding herself up against a fence ,

my dad playing with his fingers and my brother acting nonchalant as usual.

The first time the leather hit my hand and I felt the raw sting of the cold Irish weather,

something felt extremely special.

When I walked back down the tunnel to get changed and get ready,

after all my manifesting,

I knew,

I was ready .

Red Maroon

blood stained jumpers
to make you numbers
no sympathy
no empathy
rules for fools
made up by the schools
the unwanted cry of those who try
shouted over by those who don’t try.


A boring school that is housed with fools,

St Declan’s College isn’t bound with knowledge,

Only the stupid have fun but the pun can make you be hung,

We all have our flaws even Santa Clause,

With maroon jumpers some dumber than other’s,

With no leads to success people complain they aren’t the best,

But that is the test you must face in life whether its a fight or flight.

Show them your might or be a mice.


A day in the life

The cars were roaring as the bikes were strolling the opps were boasting as as we were rolling

the gang wars were folding and the shops were closing the shadows were growing as the moon was coming

The pizza in the oven as it was glowing the fries in he oven as they are steaming

The bed is all toasty and the alarm is raging and the kettle is boiling

The eggs on the pan absolutely sizzling The toast? fire alarm ringing!

The bus sputtering and the driver smoking the traffic killing and the cars beeping

The bus stop reeking the pathway gleaming as the way to school was screaming


this is a cruel world

I began to see as my life unfurled

There is no forgiving

for this life we are living

these expectations

are new revelations

of what we are supposed to be

But cant you see how it effects you and me

because of what society wants us to be


While walking home from school, I heard a loud cackle,
I looked across the road to see a small group.
They whistled and shouted until I got home, and once I went in, I looked at my phone,
Photos, Videos, everything you could think of,
All I wanted to do was tell them to …

It was a weekly occurrence from the scumbags and all,
so to ignore them, I go play football.
But its not just the scumbags, it can be girls too,
they think they can scare me, but to me its just boo.


Because life could not stop for me,
I had to stop for life.
Moving, going there and here,
I could not go from strife.

Now that the time to go again
is coming very near,
I’ll turn to the God of Men
to wash away my tears.


As I cycle to school

It’s the same every day

Up the hill

and the sky is grey

I walk into class

and I want to bawl

I just want to go to the grass

and hit a ball

Manchester United

In the sea of red and white, my spirit soars,
Traces of a legacy built upon scores.
From legends of old to dreams young and new,
Each game kicks off my feelings enlighten

Throughout all the victories they fought together,
United we are
For that is Manchester United!


Football what a good game
kick and scream
start with a warm up
warm up can be the key to a successful team
we walk on the pitch
and fall in a ditch
oh no one player is hurt
he got hurt on his foot
the game with only 10 players
the game finished with a smile
who knows what will happen in a while


fireworks in August
a good childhood has been lost
this sounds like a wasteland
groups stand hand in hand

dogs bark at night make them sleepless for others but its my white noise
the smell of the burnin of tires its a horrific smell it’s nice to others

but to me its like hell
Cabra’s not for the weak peoples faces are very bleak
this is my rhyme listen to it its peak.


football is the game

my life

football is the game

it gives my life

football is what makes me live

football is what makes me give

football is the start of it all

football is way better then the mall

Junior Cert

In one weeks time, my junior cert is mine
Did I pass? did I fail? Will I be sent to jail?
Maths or Science, which one did I thrive in?
“Good Luck” is what they say as they’re stuck on what to say
Tears fell from my eyes as I prepared to meet my demise
To my surprise I did enough to revise.

St Dec’s School

In St Declan’s school we love to break the rules,
most the students are fools.
they think there all cool,
and can be very cruel.
out of our schedule this has been the best module

7 Hours a Day

I walk into school and I feel like a fool

I’d love to smash this place up with a tool

I know they tell you education is important

but 7 hours everyday is it really worth it.

Thats right 7 hours every single day

good luck to this takes all me energy away.

I’d rather stay home and Fifa is what I’d play

rather chill out with the boys everyday.

Makes me mad tired in every way.

I’d rather make a business and from school go missing

buy a new lambo speed off into the distance.


Let him cook let him cook I cant read a book

the brown dog with a frown just took a bite of the child’s crown

as it began to rain I felt a huge pain fill up my chest as the news of my dogs passing was told to me

as my sadness finished the rain diminished and it was looking like a good day.

but it didn’t last very long and I boy was I wrong

I heard a few shots I and I knew I didn’t have a lot of time to run but I ran as fast as I could to save my life


Irish is beautiful

but in school

I wish I could speak it

but in exams I sleep through it

People have died for it

but there is no use in life for it

Its on every sign

but no one cares about the history behind.


scummy low life’s surprise me in many ways

there fame and morals I question why they are praised

why can’t I just ignore the good in the bad people pretend

to be something they never had the world is bad

is no excuse and giving up in what you want is no use.

I’m tired of living a lie tell myself that it doesn’t matter

what I choose I think I’m scared of being used by a system where I’m forced to lose.


football is a passion some love some don’t

and for most of us football is the main sport that we love
but for others they might not like any sport but that doesn’t
matter as they are the same person any other day.

No place for the weak

St Declan’s College is no place for the weak
Most students leave everyday with their faces looking bleak,
Some people are aiding,
But most are degrading.

Your met with devious stares,
Most feels like red fiery flares
burning into your soul
return home and puke into a bowl.

few teachers are cruel
but most make you drool.
getting to 6th year is like reaching a mountain peak,
St Declan’s college is no place for the weak.

Junior Cert

The junior cert is approaching

I dont care

everyone is worried

no need for despair.


I play sports for fun

I be playing a couple more years than I’m done

I like playing with friends and mates

And I’m fine I’ll never be one of the greats.


when I play sport I feel free

but there are times when I get frustrated

when I was with that teacher I hated

the way she talked to me

she had in her mind

that I was a child

and the only answer to me was sport


One day when I was young

I went on a walk took a right turn

threw a cone and broke my phone

and lost my money for the bus home.


when I smell the fresh bread

I think of primary school

when I sniffed lead

I went white as a ghoul

Billy Billy

you’re so sweet

i loved when you tickled my feet

billy billy billy

i love you so much

you make my days brighter

and my nightmares lighter.
