Skerries Community School


leaves are falling orange and brown,
floating softly to the ground.
pumpkins apples, and loads of sweets,
Autumn days are oh so great.

crisp cool air and sky’s so blue,
jump in leaf piles, we haven’t a clue.
Jackets, scarves, and cozy fun,
Autumn is fun for everyone!


Hands are hands

Fingers are fingers

Faces are faces

So why do we feel need to change them?

Noses, noses are for breathing, not to be changed for the pure look of a ski slope.

The small dimples on your cheeks, the ones you look at in the mirror and sigh at everyday, well your future partner will love those and he will kiss them. You’ll pass it onto your child who you will think is the prettiest thing.

From the swirls on your fingertips, to the hue of your eyes, you can never see true beauty, for it is disguised as something only another person can truly appreciate.


the sea that surrounds us
holds so many chances
to go see new places
and discover new patches

by staying in one place
it’ll make us feel smothered
we should do it for those who couldn’t
well before your mother

today we have so may options
to be ourselves and try new things
try for all those women before
tied to their kitchens with strings

always try your best
for all who cant
make them proud
don’t reach for the easy hand


As the sky’s get grey and the sea gets greyer,

and the fish go away and go downwind,

to better lives at sea.

The terns come back for better weather,

and the boats go away away from the bad weather,

winter comes and winter goes and all comes back for summer again.

Life Challenges

life’s struggles can be tough
we face hard challenges that can be rough
through hard times we learn and grow
finding different strengths we didn’t know

even when things feel very dark
we can find a little spark
sometimes the earth can feel brand new
but we know we can make it through

step by step we find our way
growing stronger every day
life’s struggles shape who we are
and guide us like a shining star

I Never Should Of Listened…

I never should have listened when my mother told me the boys in school picked on me because they liked me.
I never should have listened when my father told me that “boys will be boys” and that there was nothing I could do about it.
I never should have listened when my aunts told me what I should and shouldn’t do when it came to boys.

I was nervous when I developed early and the boys would whisper to each other and stare.
I was upset and angry when the girls spread the rumours that I was a whore because of my cup size.
I was embarrassed when my grandmother asked if I liked any boys in my class and I didn’t know how to answer.

I wish I could go back to when playing tag with boys was ok and didn’t make me a pick-me.
I wish I could go back to playing with my mother’s makeup in the mirror and not worrying if my eyeliner was straight.
I wish I could go back to being excited to grow up and be a teenager.

When I was young,
When I was a child,
When I was oblivious.


Rain is dodgy, all wet and splashy,
Puddles pop like a dance that’s flashy.
Clouds roll in, looking kinda fella,
I grab my coat and my old black umbrella.

The sky’s a canvas, all grey and moody,
While I’m indoors, feeling kinda broody.
But with my toast slathered in Nutella,
I’m good to go, just me and this fella.

Outside it’s wild, but I’m cozy and warm,
The rain’s a beat in its own little storm.
Life’s a mix of the calm and the crazy,
But with snacks in hand, it’s not so hazy.


In the quiet corners of my mind,
Lurk the things I wish to leave behind.
The sound of nails on a chalkboard’s grind,
A jarring echo, cruel and unkind.

The endless wait in a crowded line,
Ticking clocks that steal my time.
The bitter taste of unearned wine,
And empty promises that twist and bind.

Yet through this list of things I loathe,
I find a strength, a chance to grow.
For in the shadows, I learn to choose,
To cherish the light, and let go of the blues.


One of The first things we are thought is grades are everything.

Go to school. Primary into secondary.

And then college and a company.

8am to 5pm, 12 months a year

A job is money

Money is everything.

A necessity to live

From stressing bout grades to a job no one really wants

You work until your old and the good ole days are over

Sometimes I wonder if we are doing it wrong

Maybe there should be more in life than simply surviving

My Mam

She works all day,
puts us all first,
always know whats to say,

makes us food to eat,
so kind and caring,
always so sweet

she is my best-friend
I love her so much,
til the end


As the light fades away
I float a stray
In a world of dreams is where I stay
Nothing to worry about
Nothing to fear
Nothing I get scared about when I am here
When the light floods in
I return back to my world
Full of fear, anger, stress and more
Then I remember that I can open the door,

back to the dream world so I don’t stress
And can lay myself to rest.


We are all human

Made of blood and bones

We are all human

Containing a compass beneath all of that

Is mine in my heart mind or soul?

All I know is it points to my one true goal

Is the compass driven by logic or emotion?

Am I man or machine?

What should I really dream?

Through all my life, it remains as clear as mud

The only way to know is to clear the blood

To find my compass


No school

Bright skies sun shining,

hot weather,

the nice warm breeze a time to be free,

the flowers blooming,

life is good, the butterflies in the sky,

the ocean waves crash and kids are playing in the sand laughing with joy, sun is still shining,

how I love summer,

these summer days they pass so fast but the memories will never be forgotten.


People who talk just to hear their own voice,

Interrupting others, like they have no other choice.

Those who don’t listen just wait for their turn,

Ignoring the smartness that others would earn.

Always on the phone it makes me go insane

it’s like there stuck in a video game


friendship is more than sharing a pen,
friendship is not just meeting at ten.
it’s bigger than the waves in a storm,
you could say it’s a hum,
made in a perfect pitch.
but i think it’s a feeling shared between some,
which feels like unconditional love.


In a glass so dark, a treasure flows,
Rich and smooth, where the river glows.
A frothy crown, like clouds above,
Each sip whispers tales of love.

From Dublin’s heart, it journeys far,
A legacy brewed, a shining star.
With every pour, a moment shared,
In laughter and joy, the world is bared.

So raise your glass, let spirits soar,
To Guinness, the drink we all adore.
In every drop, tradition sings,
A toast to life and the joy it brings.


Winter’s chill embrace

Frosty mornings, cool and clear

Snowflakes prance, a fantastic grace

Frozen lakes, a winter’s cheer

The wind it howls, a depressing sound

As trees stand bare, their leaves all bound

The earth it sleeps, a peaceful hush

As snow and ice, a winter’s rush

The sky it wears, a grim grey

As morning dawns, a winter’s day

The sun it shines, a weakened light

As snow and ice, a winter’s might

The world it slows, a slumbering pace

As winter’s chill, a gentle embrace

The fire it crackles, a warmth so bright

As winter’s peace, a peaceful light


When I meet new people,
I tell them who I am,
I say that I have autism,
It builds up an invisible dam.

People start to treat me different,
Talk about me behind my back,
They say they are my friends,
But a friend wouldn’t treat you like that.

“You don’t look like you have autism”,
“Ur lying to my face”,
People call me “special”,
It makes me feel like a disgrace.

So next time when you are talking,
To or about your high functioning friend,
Remember we are people too,
All we want is to blend.

Sunday Evening

Sitting at the dinner table,
“We have something to tell you” says my mother
My heart rate accelerates, my world begins to crumble,
I can no longer breath, suddenly feeling like I’m going to smother

Tears fall on my lap like acid rain,
My head starts to spin,
Their words still processing in my brain,
My rationality wearing thin.

On that Sunday evening so fateful,
My whole world changed,
Sitting at the dinner table.


sunsets paint the sky in orange and gold

like a canvas of warmth

or a story untold

as the day comes to an end

the stars start to beam

and now that the day is over

people start to drift into their dreams


Holding the hurl, standing with pride

ready to face the challenge side by side

Over the net you will go far

With every strike, you’ll raise the bar

My team brings me joy

In every match the lift my spirits high

When you get the win

The thrill of glory, let the cheers begin.


No matter who,

No matter where
I can try and stand tall,

but feel so small
Even though my words can make hits
That can cause fits and fights and makes me come off as crazy for speaking my mind
It can make people blind
And create a picture shined
Of an untrue story
People are lordly
And People are cowards
People are just blurred into what everyone else thinks


They’re rough they’re hard,
They’re strong but weak.
All Lads are different even when they seem the same,

Lads are powering through each day trying not the think whats at bay.
Lads are like the ocean,
Sometimes the waves can be rough and big
Some lads even want to try smoke cigs.

But all lads have one thing that defines them.
The lad underneath that’s caring and quiet.


Girls tend to treat love like a curse

When girls talk about boys they pretend to be above
But then doddle in the back of copy books
“Will his last name match mine” “could this be true love?”

So we pretend not to care
To make them the weird ones
There is nothing in their minds it’s just stupid

But little do we know the way we go on
Will doom both our daughter and our son

[My Neurodivergent Life]

Living life is fucking weird for me,
I never feel normal.
But then again I’m autistic,
And for others that’s not normal.

People compare me and my younger sister,
But we are not the same,
My sister loves tennis, acting, reading, pop music and more,
While I really just love art, crochet, rock music and video games.

My parents don’t compare me to other kids,
They’ve always tried their best.
But sometimes I don’t think they get,
What living is like for me.

My mam especially doesn’t get me,
She asks me about liking dresses and skirts,
And if I want my hair cut that short.
It’s like we lost the connection with each other.

Sometimes I still believe like she can’t imagine me growing up,
That I don’t need the help I did when I was younger.
I know it’s not her fault,
A lot of hard things have happened over the past four years.
I know she doesn’t mean it,
But it still hurts the same.

I’m the closest with my dad,
It feels like we’re on the same wavelength.
My dad gets my humour,
And is someone I can always talk to.

I found it hard to make friends in primary school,
But now that’s no problem.
I have friends who like me for me,
Friends who don’t judge me for my flaws.

I have a few who like the same things I like, and some who don’t,
But there’s one special group of friends I have.
Friends who are uniquely different, but click together all the same,
These are the people who have my back.

Living life is fucking weird for me,
I guess it always will be,
But having friends and family who care about me,
Makes it that bit easier.

My Biggest Regret

My first year without you is one that I will never forget and my mind is filled with many regrets
but perhaps the biggest one I have, is never saying goodbye to you and the sadness in my heart makes me
wish it wasn’t true.

I miss spending the Holidays at your your house but at least now you get to spend your forever
back with your Spouse, you fought and fought against the illness and i hope that you can give me your

This Christmas will be the first one with no trace of you, it will be a very tough task but i can handle it and

I only wish you knew that my Biggest Regret will forever be that I never said Goodbye to you


It is hard to fit in
Nobody seems to know
Emotions locked in a tin
Unable for me to show

I’m a man, two different people
My true personality hidden away
The stereotypes I hurdle
The thoughts I have to delay

They think it is so easy
And never think deeper
The life cannot be lived freely
The climb for us always seems steeper


Ireland, a land of rolling hills and ancient stones,
Where the air is filled with stories of the past.
Green fields stretch endlessly,
And the sea crashes against rugged cliffs.

People gather in cozy pubs,
Sharing laughter and songs that echo through time.
The warmth of the community wraps around you,
Like a comforting blanket on a chilly evening.

In every village and city,
There’s a sense of belonging,
A connection to the earth and each other,
That makes Ireland a home for the heart.

This is a song about school.

It’s cold and the heating is terrible. The students are nice and most teachers are kind but some of their voices haunt my dreams. The uniform is itchy but it’s fine I guess. The subjects are fun but the homework is not AT ALL!


loyalty in a family, it’s it good or bad,

it keep you close and together,

stand up for each other no matter what,

but being loyal when your family is broken,

leave you feeling like a rope trying to tie everyone together, but you only end up being torn apart, being forced to take sides when you want to be loyal to both,

you turn into a translator, a messenger like a telephone line but you can’t let go of one of the people on the line bc that would be disloyal.

loyalty is like a glue, it traps you to people keeping you connected when sometimes it’s better to let them go


Why should I care,

when they stare and look at my work in shock and disbelief.

Just cause I am a girl.

When the project is done,

and they gather around,

With surprise in their eyes.

They ask are you really interested in the subject?

Or was the home ec class full?

I am the token girl in the class,

they stare when I express my care about my work.

That ask why, as if I am strange

For broadening my range

of skills, of not perusing another topic


We are encouraged to be ourselves

But we can’t be ourselves

Not in this school

We aren’t allowed jewellery

Or colourful hair

We can’t even pick our own clothes

How am I supposed to express myself in this school?


Brothers just hanging out, laughing out loud, sharing secrets and dreams under the sun.
Through all the ups and downs, making memories that stick, they’ve got each other’s backs. Sometimes it’s just chilling in silence, understanding each other without saying it.
They help each other up when things get tough,
the brotherly love is something special.


My weekend is looking clear

I’m gonna drink some beer

I got shot by a deer

I had to change gear

I jumped of the pier

There was much fear

I got hit with a spear

It’s almost a new year

My head looks like a sphere

This is a poem about how to rhyme

This only took a little time.

The Question

The results come out today
I will probably pay
All the study u didn’t do
Will come back to haunt you
That is what they said
Now I realise I should have read
The question


Sports is what I love to do.
Playing rugby for the school.
When I’m on the field I feel a sense of purpose.
Because everyone has a role that’s important.
Playing rugby for my club.
Dreaming about making it above.
It’s what I work towards everyday.
hoping to make my dreams a reality.


To The prem to Sunday league from 50 year old keepers to 7 year old strikers

they all have the same bream to make it to the best as a stare and their idol

all they want to do is shoot like Ronaldo pass like Messi and by brilliant like Imbapa

but only people who try and train will ever make it because people mite say their dreams but only a few will deserve it .


in the heart of the home, love interlace,
Yet shadows still linger, through tangled lies.
Voices clash, and tempers flare,
But beneath the surface, we almost all care.

Moments of joy, mixed with strife,
Navigating through chaos, that’s family life.
Through trials and tears, we’re learning to mend,
trying to find strength in the bonds that should hopefully never end.


So many voices telling me how to be,

But none of them really understand me.

School’s a maze, and friends can be cold,

Trying to fit in, but not break the mould.


Lads are oblivious
Lads think their all this but
In reality
Lads are weak
Lads try to be someone who they want to impress
Lads don’t see who they are


The freedom of speech is a gift we’ve all been granted and has helped one another become who they are.

Today I learned that being myself will always be better than pretending to be someone I’m not.

I’ve felt inspired today to learn to express myself more and show who I really am instead of being like everyone else.


I feel constipated in every sense of the word,

My thoughts and my bowels,

A thought that I can tell is there but won’t come out


Once upon a time

I made a poem that rhymed

It was short and sweet

But also neat

I enjoyed this poem

But I always dreamed of visiting Rome

This poem didn’t take long

Because I would prefer to write a song

Having a brother is great.

I complain about him all the time but at the end of the day I don’t know what I’d do without him.

He is my rock and I tell everything I cant tell my parents.

He listened to me all the time and never judges me.

This life

As I walked through the busy town,
I thought about how life will plan out.
Will I be famous, or will I be hairdresser,
Will I be a shopkeeper, or will I be a business woman.

I wonder what life holds for me,
It’s a guessing game for all.

Slut Shaming

Slut shaming is such a dumb thing because it’s so normalised between men and women to call other women sluts,

I got called a slut at 11 I didn’t even know what it was then and it hasn’t stopped since.

I get called a slut by friends family adults and people who don’t even know me.

I think it needs to be stoped.


Born in raised in the good old days of 2022

We watched the rise of global tensions

I’m gonna need an extension

I be spitting bars in here

it feels like I’m in heaven

This is pure waffle

What is this about

My brain is made of falafel

I think I’m in doubt

Please stop this yap

I’m gonna crash out


I dream of a place where no one knows my face.
Where I can start a new and nothing reminds me of you.
Somewhere I can be free and live like the real me,
Like i always wanted to,
a place without you.


People are talking, people are moving, the only thing noticeable is the sound of people chewing.

It’s hard to miss and hard to ignore its like noise of a lingering snore.

Each bite of food leaves me like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt


apple falls from a tree

landing down beside me

slightly scared and confused

i stand there no longer amused

how could said apple fall

just like a tennis ball

it strikes the ground coarse

is this the discovery of force

pick it up and take a bite


Rugby is a sport where people fight cheer laugh cry on the pitch

and it all happens by chasing a ball around with 30 lads for 80 minutes

and at the end of the game you still shake the oppositions had even after smashing the same fella in a tackle

or have a small fight over nothing but the game.


Rugby ball in hand, they run,
Chasing tries under the sun,
Teamwork shines the game is won

Men Vs Women

Women crave the touch of a man that’s gentle
Men crave the body part that’s not mental

Women will always care
While men can’t bare


I’m meant to write a poem,
I’m really stuck
Whatever I write will truly suck,

Every time I re-write
It never looks right
I can’t write this poem.

Purpose and pride

Sports is what I love to do.
Playing rugby for the school.
When I’m on the field I feel a sense of purpose.
Because everyone has a role that’s important.
Playing rugby for my club.
Dreaming about making it above.
It’s what I work towards everyday.
hoping to make my dreams a reality.


You bring sunshine

When it rains

You bring laughter

When there’s pain


sometimes i really dislike my parents
always nagging at me to do things;
“make me tea”, “grab me a bickie”.
sometimes its worse;
“go to the gym” lose some weight”
“you don’t need to eat that much”

I don’t need to hear these things
I’m only 16


The window opens as the greenery flashes my view the dogs run to the muddy pile.

I close my book staring longing to go home to my bed for sleep but no I’m in school learning

I want to go home respectfully


I walked across an empty land,

I walked the pathway like the back of my hand,

I felt the earth beneath my feet, right by the river and it made me complete.

The water that gushed made me feel crushed by the weight of my worrys made

Me want to go into a hurry of thoughts.

My Brother

Having a brother is great.

I complain about him all the time but at the end of the day I don’t know what I’d do without him.

He is my rock and I tell everything I cant tell my parents.

He listened to me all the time and never judges me.


Oh how I love Guinness

It soothe my throat

When I’m out on a boat

All I fiend for is my Guinness

When I witness that pint being poured

I am filled with joy

Ohh Guiness


In a pint so dark, a treasure found,

Rich and smooth, with flavours profound.

A creamy head, a gurty cheer,

Guinness brings friends, year after year.