Mountrath Community School, Laois


All roses come with thorns.
But getting cut is your fault.
You must know how to handle the rose or else you will drop blood.
But all flowers come with consequences like the Lily of the Valley.
Its beauty is unique but it has lethality.
As beautiful as it is
you’d never expect that it’s poisonous
and far from perfect.

Front Man

I’m a man in school in front of the hard lads,
But at home alone i don’t know who I am,
I am a nice guy who always gets no ladies,
Sometimes I think I should be someone else
and act really hardy and “cool”
so I can be like the other lads and fit in
I like to just be myself but sometimes I can’t
because Im too afraid of what others think.
I just want to be normal.


Beneath the Grey

Beneath the gray Liverpool skies so wide,
A girl walks with purpose, her stride dignified.
Her jacket’s red like the city she loves,
Strong as the Mersey, free as the doves.

But across the street, a group starts to call,
Irish lads in slick suits, standing tall.
With a smirk, she replies, “Is that all you’ve got?”
And leaves them speechless, their bravado forgot.


I Think of You

In the quiet of night,
I think of you,
Every star above
feels like a clue.
A heartbeat away,
yet worlds apart,
In this teenage dream,
you’ve captured my heart.


Who am I?

Men are thought to be, not to question,
So I ask. Who am I?
Men are thought to be masculine, not themselves,
So I ask. Who am I?
Am I gay for liking the things I like?
Am I masculine, watching the problem I stand by?
Am I sensitive because of the times that I cry?
Am I a legend for being with the girls that they find fine?
Am I a sinner, as they say, for everything that I am.
Am I a saint for being the true side of man?
Am I weak for avoiding and trying not to fight?
Am I strong for protecting the things I know are right?
So once more I sit, surrounded by the guys,
and I think to myself; Who am I?



At nine in the morning
the smiles are turned on,
You work through the day pretending nothings wrong,
At four in the evening it’s time to go home,
To face the reality that nobody knows


When i leave me house

I’m scared of what might happen
if im in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I avoid dark places and stay in familiar areas
always near somewhere i can run to for safety.
I hear something while on a run and turn my head
hoping its just a bird.
Everyone telling me i should have a flat stomach,
no fat and always looking my best.
I can’t be dramatic because that makes me “ a crazy woman”.
If im with too many men I’m a slut
and if im with none I’m a prude.
I shouldn’t care about my studies
and i should only care how many look at me
because i can always marry rich,
so why should i bother?
A man will look after me.
Being a woman is hard.



I waited and begged,
everyday i stayed and deteriorated,
he had his fingers in the folds of my brain,
he pulled me apart for his own amusement,
he haunted me, again and again,
my mind, im deteriorating, im lost,
he wasnt worth the cost,
he was never worth my loss.


Men are thought

To be strong and not themselves
but I still ask who I am I to be.
Will a I be a another one
man that not his through self
or I will I be myself,
different but unique
and most importantly being me
and being who I want to be
and see the true world around me.

The perfect woman

She has long straight hair, a perfect smile and beautiful eyes.
I however do not have these traits,
so I straighten my short curly hair,
I practice my smile in the mirror
and I put on mascara everyday.
Everyday I practice and do
what I think is bettering myself
to be the ‘perfect woman’.



Everyday i waited and begged,
everyday i stayed and deteriorated,
he had his fingers in the folds of my brain,
he pulled me apart for his own amusement,
he haunted me, again and again,
my mind, im deteriorating, im lost,
he wasnt worth the cost,
he was never worth my loss.


In a crowded room

With all my friends,
a funny feeling fills my chest,
I dread returning home again,

The silence in the house
seems so loud
I wish I had a friend around



I was younger i was so careless and i didn’t care what anyone thought
now i don’t even recognise who i used to be.i got into secondary school.
I learned how horrible lads could be.i was used for my body.
I lost all my friends and i cared so much about what people thought.
Now i’ve learned to find peace and accept the new me.
It scares me how much i’ve changed
but I’m finally starting to feel as careless and happy as i used too.
I stopped letting words and actions define me
and i finally feel happier than ever.


Being a young woman

Is tough when society is so rough.
The pressure to be someone you are not is so hard.
Always being a second choice in a world
where men can to do much,
yet i can’t do much as feel safe when I’m out alone
a feeling no man or woman should endure. g
rowing up as a young woman is the hardest thing to do,
When you feel the world is judging you
when all that really matters is not the worlds opinion but your own.


Branded Masculinity

Told how to talk, told how to walk,
Told how to act and told how to interact
Each one of our lives decided by another’s view on the world,
Each one of our actions decided by the pressures of society,
But in the end it’s our own mind that decides who we are and our own friends who guide us
Each person is unique so don’t fit in


In our world today

We have created such an expectation
of what everybody has to be
and if you don’t fit into this category
you are classed as ‘weird’
for example if you don’t play sport
or are interested in something different like art
you are again weird or nerdy.
But I think in this world we need to all be unique and different
and as a society we need to adjust
and get this concept out of our lives
and include and accept people
who are different to us.
We should also just live our lives ourselves
and not follow what the popular kids are doing
or what they have, but instead
stand up for ourselves and be strong.


It’s as toxic as nuclear waste,
Passed down from the yet existent frontal lobe
from one “mighty” man to a belittling boy.
“That’s gay.”, “Be a man!”, “Men don’t cry.”
Vulnerability is non existent in a Man’s world.
Maybe if we talked more
then we would have less deaths.


House of Bros

Growing up in a house with brothers
would give you the experience

thinking everyone will be like your brother
and all girls either be like your independent sister.

Walking the streets to school in my uniform
and suddenly men my dads age scream and jester
and walking into school to girls that have opinions
not as nice as your mothers kind supporting words
That was the day I realised being a girl is a battle
with you against the world


Growing up

As a young woman is the hardest thing i’ve ever done.
Despite all the good times and memories
there’s more depressing moments than fun.
I’m forever proud that i got through it,
although i didnt want to do it. I wish i was a kid forever,
even though i never really was.
As a child i had many hard experiences
that made me more mature than most others.
At the age of 10 i was almost mentally older than my mother.
I really struggled to connect with friends,
and arguments were hard to mend.
I got through most of it on my own,
which is why im okay with being alone.


Deep down were all fairly chill
not a bother on anyone we do it for the thrill
Some can be out of pocket or maybe not correct
Not meant in bad taste
Always said with a bit of rush or haste.



When i was 9 i didn’t care about what people thought
and wasn’t embarrassed about anything
when i was 11 i was embarrassed about everything
and thought everyone cared about what i did
now i’m 15 and i care a little less
about what people thought when i was 11
and a little more then when i was 9.
but i think as girl you have to learn to block out what girls think of you
and what lads say about you
and just try to be yourself even though it can be really difficult.


Growing Up

I think its hard growing up
in society as everyone
has there opinions
about everyone else
and what everyone should do
and how they should look
but really they don’t even know themselves
so realistically it doesn’t matter
what anyone thinks because they aren’t you.
Be you.

Growing up

As a woman is one of the hardest things anyone could go through.
Growing up as a woman means everyone having a set standard on how you should look and act.
Growing up as a woman means your whole body and appearance changing in a few years.
Growing up as a woman means men whistling at you or shouting “compliments” at you when you’re just trying to go for a walk.
Growing up as a woman means men only talking to you for one thing thinking it’s what you want aswell.
Growing up as a woman means people thinking you’re weak and can’t do anything for yourself.
Growing up as a woman means having to keep your head held high even when you’re going through the hardest time of your life but people will call you weak and dramatic if you share your feelings.
Growing up as a woman means growing up stronger than any man.



Being a girl that plays sports can be hard
cause everyone is judging you to be as good as the lads
and to be as strong as them
and to be able to hit the ball as far as them
which isn’t fair cause women aren’t as strong as men
and we are asked to do a lot more than what we can do.


Who Am I?

I wish I knew who is was,
But because of society
that will only happen in Oz,
I wish everyone could be themselves,
but instead we all sit alone
on separate shelves.


Pro Clubs

Life is like Pro Clubs,
You win some and you Lose some,
It’s not about who scores the goals
Puts in the biggest tackles,
Or pulls off the greatest passes,
It’s about who’s standing beside you,
At the end of the day there’s no I in Team.