Killorglin Community College Poetry 2024

Man Made

Any sign of love and expression,
Falls hard and quick to male suppression.
My wonder of stars the sun and the moon,
Lies restless inside my impenetrable cocoon.

My hands they dance with the music so free
That is muffled as fast as the press of the key.
Moulded to be the same as my brother.
A world where we all are the same as each other.


I look around, the world is wide

Hope and joy flows through my mind.

I dream someday I will make a change,

And lead this generation away from rage.

Sit Still

When I think and I want
And I see what I need
Yet I still sit and I wait
Not moving, not breathing

I wish for change
And when offered the chance
I still sit and I wait
Not lifting a finger

The things I could have
If I did what I should
Yet still I sit and I wait
Not helping myself

I think and I want
And I see what I need
So maybe today
I will start moving

I Love You

I love you, I love you, I love you
Each time I say it makes it more true
I can’t help the way I feel
It that doesn’t make it unreal

When I look at you I see the stars
You make me feel like I’m from Mars
When I hear you I hear nature
It’s with you I want my future

I could never tell you how my heart flutters
When I see your grace as smooth as butters
You make me act like I’m on drink
Like I’m unbalanced on the rink

I can’t express how badly I’m addicted
My every thought afflicted
You make my heart ache
I wouldn’t be able to handle it break

I love you, I love you, I love you
I just want you to say it too.

Take Flight

The best day was about to begin,

My emotions and energy started to glim,

Looking at the sky,

Feeling as if I was about to fly.

What I Say

Hey there, I don’t know what to say
I’ve been told to write a poem
And to write a poem my way
But I don’t know what say
this isn’t how I normally spend my day
so I gotta figure out what’s my way

I could talk about depression
How it feels like a wave
Crashing on my boat
Yet I’m told to “listen and behave”

I could talk about politics
And how it all feels dumb
But It make the world go round
Until it blows up everyone

I could talk about diversity
And the struggles with individuality
But all of that morality stuff
Is too complex for me

I could talk about many things
None of which I’m qualified to say
But ls that they want
Is for me to do it my way


I come from lands of green,

pierced by broken tar roads with as many holes as in my head.

I come from the same house,

with the same room with the same bed,

fallen from those whose love I hold.

I lock my childhood in my heart,

but take it out when I need it,

because living can be a struggle without something that keeps me going.

I won’t let others direct the path I take, because I’d rather walk through the flowers.

How I Feel

I am the angelic sound of the heavy cast

Iron plates clashing against each other,

the sound that makes me feel something,

the sound that brings out the weak and fragile

side of me and gets me prepared to fail so that

I can succeed as I believe you cannot succeed if you have not failed

I am the sound of the oars cracking against the gate of the rowing boat,

the roars of our coach driving us on the memory’s driving me on so

lost in my thoughts I don’t notice the rain pouring and soaking me,

I am so tunnel visioned on winning and my own thoughts that

I don’t notice the other bits beside us, thus sound makes me at peace

with myself and we’re I channel all the negative emotions like

anger and rage and make something good out of it instead of

taking it out on the people closest to me,

these sports help me be me.

I Pretend

I pretend that I am the same as everyone else

I pretend that I will fit in everyday

I pretend that I am not different from the rest

I pretend that I don’t stand out

I pretend that I fly the same direction


Rugby is a war on the field a passion off the field

A way of release for anger

A way to feel joy a true love of sport a show of sportsmanship

Playing as often as possible, real passion.

Real passion now turning to sadness the possibility of paralysis

Now higher then before constant injuries

My neck aching fear of abandoning the love of the game for myself.

Being told my livelihood, what I love coming to an end

At such a young age by fear of irreversible damage.

I am afraid and I am worried I am awake at night

Not knowing if I’ll be able to succeed in what I want.

I Come From

I come from agricultural contracting where the days are long and the hours are hard

I come from rugby where the game is tuff and my body is aching

I come from football where the fitness is hard and the coaches have destroyed it

Toxic Masculinity

I battle toxic masculinity
But I look in the mirror and punch it
But isn’t that continuity

Who am I , What’s a man
Is the question I ask when I live in this land
I want to cry but I can’t
Because then I wouldn’t be a man .

Loving Him

I love him more than anything in the world

maybe it’s not him I love

but he’s my everything

I will never love anyone else

but he’s not a man or a boy or a person

he’s my love

and that’s all I have

that’s all I need

all anyone needs

La Princesa

La princesa en perill està,

però el cavaller, a ella la salvà,

i el drac derrotà,

de la seva sang, una hermosa rosa hi va bortar

i a la hermosa princesa ell li va regalar.


Life road is long,

which many paths

leading towards many

challenges and difficulties

but all the difficulties

and challenges lead

to a mountain with pathways

other have walked before you

while others are visible to you

and only you whichever you

choose walk you own walk

no matter the pace even

if the path is longer

and more difficult

walk towards the

top for that mountain

will grant you more

opportunity’s than if

you walked backwards

for you challenges

and difficulties

are you own to



I believe in the friendships I make,

The family I have and the life I live.


I am what I love,

The cool winter mornings,

The beautiful pinky orange sunsets,

animals, english and writing, the art of noticing

and too much more to write about,

what I love is what makes me the person I am today.


I come from a place that I no longer live in

I come from a place that I miss

It had tractors and you could hear moos all around

From morning to evening

I come from somewhere where I understood how to help

And be useful do creative things and make problems go away

But I also I come from somewhere where school makes no sense to me

And I’m the person who needs extra help in the back of the class

but I also come from somewhere where people value other things like art

I do even if I don’t I come from a place we’re people are kind


I live in a land where I am judged
The belief is I am not a man
So I shouldn’t be loved

Yes I cry
But it’s better than to lie
I am expressive
So I don’t see why
I cant just live
I guess I am just not a man
