CBC Cork

The countryside

Where the river flows
Through streets without chatter
Where the person goes
To try to become better
The endless fields of gold and green
The farmers work for all these year’s
So many different crops to be seen
Not a shop is near
The peace and quiet make people believe
That there is anything that one can achieve


As the clock ticks on the wall,
The classroom seems to shrink,
My eyes confined to the small box,
Yet my mind wandering far beyond,
The man I am begs to emerge

The voice kicks and shouts
Sometimes loud sometimes nought
As the clock continues to tick
I feel the man I truly am begin to slip away over the horizon

The Waves of my Mind

Waves crash slowly against the cliffs of a mind,

An endless sea,

of things forgotten and half remembered,

above it on the cliffs stand,

a silent procession, statues of stone looking out across the endless expanse.

Each is a change,

version of the same narrative,

preserved from the churning tumult beneath.

Some are chipped and broken, their features eroded away by the slow and stately march of time.

Some kneel in submission,

some stand defiantly, looking out towards the endless deep,

a few bending down as if to help others.

Each sport their own wounds,

mars from a life lived and a path walked.

They have come and gone and strangers have taken their place,

only for them to petrify and purify.

At the end, a final figure stands.

Flesh gives way to cold stone,

and they gaze back upon the rows and rows of abandoned moulds.

They have been all of them,

seen through all their eyes.

Change has birthed them all,

and taken them when their time was up.

It seems oddly serene sight to their old eyes.

They are a personification of lessons learnt,

of mistakes made and interests found and lost.

Each person is a myriad of individuals throughout their lives,

changing and moving with every moment, as all things do.

But those memories are never truly lost.

They are preserved in a single instant,

a state of being as perceived by others.

A hundred people seen through a hundred lenses,

yet simultaneously just a single spirit.

A life.


In Christians School where dreams ignite,
A teenage boy, with hope and light,
He dons the red, black and yellow, laces tight,
From Landsdowne grind, to a Musgrave Park fight.

On the Park, he finds his stride,
In every tackle, the Christians sing.
But beyond the pitch, he learns to grow,
A boy becoming a man each day.


On the pitch nerves high

Where 30 meet and will fight it out to see who’s better

The wind blowing cutting in to your skin

The rain soaking into the deepest parts of your body

That sick feeling before the the calmness of the fight

People watching on either side

The pressure and expectations of it all

But as the whistle blows

All those thoughts and feelings disappear

You forget anything on your mind

You become solely focused on what’s at hand

The Man I Want to Be

The man I want to be, not one with muscles and cars,

The man I want to be, one know for his scars.

I have friends, I can trust in the dark,

I have friends, that won’t speak at a park.

I want to be vulnerable with my peers,

But those same peers gave me my fears

The man I want to be, not one who’s mean,

The man I want to be, one who’s seen for what he means.

Cork City

In Cork City, where the river flows,

I am a sixteen year old with dreams that glow.

Streets alive with stories to be told,

With every corner having adventures unfold.

With laughter echoing in the air,

Friends gather round without a care.

From the English Market’s vibrant sights,

To the shimmering lights of the city nights.

Chasing moments, big and small,

In this lively place, they have it all.

With a heart so bold and a spirit so free,

A journey of life in Cork City, is the place to be.


There lies a single lightbulb,

No matter the conditions,

That continues to illuminate the sky.

Lonely as it may seems, it carries on as if it’s mission,

As if its mission is for the people that pass by, even if they are engrossed in their own problems or issues.

Regardless, this bulb chooses to carry on,

It may not be appreciated,

However it continues to stand straight in the street,

And spread light while itself stays in the backseat of the world.

The Bigger Picture

Life is Short, and full of hate

Some people use it to try and look great

Misogyny, homophobia, racism and more

Its the same as fighting a treacherous, long war

Men act big and think they are cool

But all they really do is act like a fool

What they are looking for is a little bit of fame

But its pointless to abuse. We are all the same

The Concert

I love the cold stage air and bright stage lights,

The rustling of sheets and scraping of chairs,

The tuning of instruments, however horrible it might sound,

Even the sore fingers and blisters from the sharp strings and buttons,

Because when the crowd walk in and take their seats,

When the lights are dimmed and the eyes are on you,

When the first bow strikes the string and the first button is pressed,

You feel alive.


People say that I’m a disgrace

For not liking what others like

I say I need my space

They tell me to go on a hike

I say that I don’t want to

They kick me out so now I have to

I feel something inside me

A feeling that makes me happy

I see the waves in the sea

I am now free


In the city, late at night where shadows lurk,
Teens stay alert, avoiding the danger,
The thrill of the night trying to hide the strangers,
With choices that can lead to evil, dirty smirks.

Every street holds a risk unseen,
Heart pounding at the moment of the turn,
Hoping that there will be nothing bad to learn.
A harsh reminder of the innocence of life.

Dreams and Ambitions

Everyday, I dream of reaching new great heights,

Soaring through the air with my aims in sight.

I work hard in the day and even the night,

In hope that some day I’ll win and take flight.

For heaven’s not far away, but seen in each day,

In every little action and choices I make.

I want to be kinder, better and great,

To make my parents proud and live up to my fate.

With my eyes on my targets and my feet in the race, I’ll chase my goals with courage and grace.


Where should I begin?
Her hair, or her skin?
Her voice so mellifluous
It’s like an angel when she sings

Her fashion, my passion
Her personality so free
I can’t believe
That she even knows me

I’ve known her two years
And I knew from the start
That she is the one
With the key to my heart

But I know I can’t have her
So she’ll have to be
A part of my soul
For eternity


I work on a farm

Its some peoples worst nightmare but I want to hear the alarm

Its early on a Saturday or Sunday morning

I get changed and get dropped over to the farm which is the opposite of boring

I look forward to it throughout the week as im working with my friend Eoghan

We milk and then might start spreading slurry or start mowing

We get into the parlour and let in the cows

We start milking and listen to music

Before I know it im back home in bed resting

Before going back in the evening for milking and maybe some testing

The Concert

I love the cold stage air and bright stage lights,

The rustling of sheets and scraping of chairs,

The tuning of instruments, however horrible it might sound,

Even the sore fingers and blisters from the sharp strings and buttons,

Because when the crowd walk in and take their seats,

When the lights are dimmed and the eyes are on you,

When the first bow strikes the string and the first button is pressed,

You feel alive.


The strings that cannot produce words

Are the only ones that say how I really feel,

The air shakes with all my woes,

Poured into a chunk of wood through my hands,

The only language that I understand,

Is not made of letters or ink,

But loud, corrosive, distorted fuzz,

And it is the only way,

That what I want to say,

Will ever be heard.


From training to matches,
It sure can become draining
Just trying to be good but misunderstood.
School is boring I feel like snoring.
Always waiting for the future why can’t we live in the now and take a bow,
For our achievements are great and are worth the wait.

Being Myself

Grew up being called “feminine”
Started to feel like i don’t fit in
At 13 I opened up to my cousin
And she helped me see who i’ve always been

Fell in love for the first time
with a friend, it’s a good sign?
feeling off when i feel fine
guess I’m just not in my prime

Met my new friends at a party
They took an interest in the real me
made me realise i hide me
some people are just not steady


Masculinity can bring people together and push people apart,

it can come as a brotherhood that forms strong relationships or a community that discriminates against people who are different,

many men see it as certain guidelines they must follow to be a man,

and many don’t yet they feel pressured to conform,

I think masculinity is holding the world back from being more progressive and does cause harm in preventing change,

but it can’t all be grouped into this negative view of it


Being different has never been more looked down upon them it has right now.

We associate acting different to being a freak, being gay,

overall anything different is considered bad.

People cannot cat the way they want because they believe they will be judged, so what do they do?

They say nothing and go with the group and pretend they are something they are not, when in reality they don’t want to pretend to be someone there not any more.

But if people accepted them for who they really were they would flourish but they can’t do this because it is considered weird or wrong.


From young to old

The games are never dull

Some games are almost like gold

Stadiums can be empty or sometimes full

As villages clash for pride to be told

It’s a fierce battle both physical and inside the skull

But most importantly it’s what heart and desire is shown

That’ll make any team known


There lies a single lightbulb,

No matter the conditions,

That continues to illuminate the sky.

Lonely as it may seems, it carries on as if it’s mission,

As if its mission is for the people that pass by,

even if they are engrossed in their own problems or issues.

Regardless, this bulb chooses to carry on,

It may not be appreciated,

However it continues to stand straight in the street,

And spread light while itself stays in the backseat of the world.


Sometimes I feel different not like the others.

And the sad thing is it really bothers me.

But other times I try fake it and be one of the brothers.

The real me is something others rarely get to see.

The sensitive “non masculine” real version

Is really the closest I feel to being my own person.


I learned a lot today

I learned that many men are insecure

Many are fake

Many aspire to be someone different

Someone who they aren’t

I learned that if you are truly courageous

You will be yourself

And not the man you want to be

Men who come from real hardship

Never want to go back

Those who haven’t been, want to go

Stand out from the pack and be yourself


In the halls where laughter rings,
A young boy with dreams take flight,
Chasing goals, racing time,
In this world, he finds his rhythm.

With friends by his side, through ups and downs,
They overcome fear where friendship crowns,
In every game with every cheer,
The heart beats loud and their path is clear.

Cheers to youth and memories bright,
To late night talks and stars at night,
With every step he aspires to be,
A boy who lives young, wild and free


A male should be loud and proud

A male should be confident in what they do and be themselves

We have beaten the chances to be here living in this beautiful world

Why don’t we make the most of it and enjoy what happens

We only live once

No one will remember who you are in a few generations

We must make the most of everyday

Soon our time will come


I don’t know who I am yet,

Yet I know what I want to be.

I want to be kind, caring, respectful.

Yet sometimes I am not.

I try to be honest to myself,

Yet sometimes I forget.


I hate men acting big

When really they are small

I learned today to just be yourself

And don’t try to be something your not

After all were none of us are the same

As much as some of us want to be

All I’m trying to say is

Be yourself today


The man I aim to be is strong, kind and passionate.

He stands up for what’s right,

and never backs down from a fight.

He is powerful in his own way

And inspires others every day.

He opens up his own mind to others

And helps them too be kind.

Everyone loves him because he is him and doesn’t hide from him.


I play the flank
I walk the plank

I sing the song
But sometimes wrong

I’m fell like a pea
But taste like tea

What am I (a pirate)


When I play left back
I love to get back

When coaches let me be
I get to go free

When I slide tackle
It the ground crackle

The Man I Want to Be

The man I want to be, not one with muscles and cars,

The man I want to be, one knowm for his scars.

I have friends, I can trust in the dark,

I have friends, that won’t speak at a park.

I want to be vulnerable with my peers,

But those same peers gave me my fears

The man I want to be, not one who’s mean,

The man I want to be, one who’s seen for what he means.


My bars so fire, they call me Mr heat, all I need now is good fire beat.

I have other nicknames like dumb and freak but at the end of the day the insults are bleak.

They need some guidance and someone to show the way,

their world at the moment is dull and grey but I’m here to show and help them grow

and let them know there’s only one way and it’s going to be slow but at the end of the day I got a mad flow.

I have lots of friend’s, some new some old but no matter how crude or rude I don’t ever scold,

only teach and preach and let them take time understand and intellectually expand.


I sit in the dressing room before the game,

thinking about how I’m going to play, wondering what if i mess up,

fall short or run out of luck,

what if my legs feel too heavy before I take the shot to win and a doubt creeps in,

but then I remember all will be forgotten in time so I get the courage and start the climb and I step onto the pitch ready to begin


In silent halls where everyone waits,

The boring classes where they arrive late.

Books and tests never ending

Make me want to doss with some shopping and spending.

Whispers around classes,

dreams feel far,

Hopes are miles away like distant stars.

Through my days,

learning struggles are real,

in school where sadness we all feel


Even though I like sports I struggle to keep consistent I loose interest

and move on to the next thing jumping form sport to sport

I lack ambition motivation and consistency

but I always seem to find a way to enjoy the things that matter to me

but the weird thing is this is just me and who I am.

I’m like a bee I always seem to flee I always seem to just not be me


I’m from a foreign land called Poland.

My friends are not brightest, no not even the slightest.

Most people are like bees they always flee or are mean.

I mean I cant say much but that’s just me.

I’m silent most of the time, I swear I’m half mime.

Anyway that’s me, sorry I gotta flee.

Cork City

In the heart of Cork city walking past the same buildings everyday

the city has changed the Shannon bells still chime and buildings didn’t vanish

but it’s different some businesses coming and going people winning some people losing

but through all of this the people stay the same

Dreams and Ambitions

Everyday, I dream of reaching new great heights,
Soaring through the air with my aims in sight.
I work hard in the day and even the night,
In hope that someday I’ll win and take flight.
For heaven’s not far away, but seen in each day,
In every little action and choices I make.
I want to be kinder, better and great,
To make my parents proud and live up to my fate.
With my eyes on my targets and my feet in the race,

I’ll chase my goals with courage and grace.


I hate work.

I hate ice cream.

I hate kiwis.

I hate the colour yellow.

I don’t like Xbox.

Men of Today

I hate the men of today, calling things weird and calling things gay,
I hate the fact they all act tough and hard, making me feel small and barred,
You can’t really express yourself or do things you could really enjoy,

because people say that’s not something for a boy,
I hate the fact that I can’t talk to girls, they go for the guys carrying the hurls,
I feel anxious and stressed from school and things but others don’t and that annoys me
I just want to be great at the stuff I do and be me.


A man should be brave

And embrace he who is inside and not the person wearing the mask.

It’s impossible for everyone to be the same

So instead of trying to blend in stand out.

Be the one to take the other path and don’t take the beaten trail leave your own trace

Be the black sheep.


I get pissed off by lads acting “hard”

Not being who they really are

People who feel they have to have a different personality just to fit in along with all the other sheep.

Taking things they shouldn’t have such as drink just to be a cool guy


My least favourite things are feeling small comparing myself to others feeling as if I didn’t achieve what I had wanted to

feeling as if I’m inadequate and that I’m just going day by day without achieving anything.

But all these feelings are reversed when I stop comparing myself to people and believing every stereotype online

but just compare myself to the person I was yesterday I feel that is the only was people can feel comfortable with themselves.


Rowing is the sport I spend my time on.

Only thing I can think about.

Winning rarely occurs unfortunately.

I couldn’t imagine spending my time on something else.

Never ending training sessions.

Going beyond my limits.


From the glanmire streets to the smell of the busy street meats

From the blank mind wall to the thought waterfall

From the from the thin toilet paper sheets to the smooth linen sheets

Environments differ although your mind stays stiffer

A Man

A man is themselves
Loves unconditionally
Is kind to all always.

A man is someone who is strong, who can be themselves and not care what other people think.

A man is someone who cares for everyone and is kind no matter what.

To be a man is to acknowledge your weakness and faults but to overcome them.

A man is someone that people can look up to. A man is a role model.

To be a man is to be vulnerable but also invincible.

What is a man?

What is a man people say
Some people think men are bad
Some people think men are good
Men can be tall
Men can be short
Men might play sport
Men might like other hobbies
Men can be kind
Men can be mean
Men can be smart
Men can not be smart
Men can get angry
Men can be calm
No matter what a man does
He’s still a man
Just like any other man in the world
He’s a man

What Is A Man?

A man is a person who provides. A person who goes out of his way to better himself and others. A person who has plans. A person with a vision.
A man is a person who can be anything. A person who can go make a life for himself and for others.
A man is a person who appears to be strong and emotionless. A person who doesn’t care. A person who can take the slagging. A person who can give it too. But really, What. Is. A. Man.
A man is a person who can be himself. A man is a person who does have emotions. A person who does the right thing. A person who is strong both physically and emotionally. But what is a man?
A man is a person too. Just a person. Listen up,
A man is a man.

What is a Man?

What is a man?

Being tough,

Show no emotion,

Being cold,

What is a man?

Fit in,

Don’t be any bit different ,

Same haircuts,

Same clothes,

Same interests,

What is a man,

Hide your real self,

Bottle up your emotions,

What is a man?

Try not to stress every day,

Try and survive,

Till you pass away,

From a heart attack at forty-five.


Who is a man but a silent man who says he’s grand when he is not

Who is a man but violent man who understands what can hurt people

Who is a man but a helpful man who feels happy to help no matter the occasion

Who is a man but a empathetic man who can’t help but understand what is going on in the mind

A man is man things but they aren’t the definition of a man

A Man

A man is strong

A man is big

A man is fast

A man is smart

A man is weak

A man is small

A man is slow

A man is tapped

A man is everything

A man is genuine

A man is fake

A man can be anything

What is a man?

It is something special

It is to be respected

It is to be honourable

To be brave and courageous

To help others when they are down .

What is a man ?

To be a man is to be a protector

A guardian

A warrior .

Someone who leads with Bravery in any realm of human endeavour .


Sitting in school today, where the clock ticks slow,

Wishing for freedom, where the world winds blow.

Thoughts drifting that come and go,

Wishing I was at home watching that show.


Let me fret unknowingly, let me lay myself down

Leave me on my own again, let me fail to drown Inside my mind as the whirlwinds come and go

Never let me know when I left, doesn’t matter if I know

Watch me let my mind wander

Hear me as I sing to myself in the woods

Observe me as I am myself, for I will never know

Never shall know my mannerisms, never can look inside

Living in a shell of naivety, being fed buckets of lies

They tell me what I’m supposed, but contradict to what I am

For they put the labels on me, that I don’t even understand

So watch me as I fret unknowingly, for they shall never know

The diagnosis that they gave to me, that they shall judge me for.

So as I shall stay within myself, you let me close my doors


Yup lad go debating
Speeches kinda fire
For the bate my hearts been aching
My aim is to inspire

Watch my poi’s
Opps can’t even refute
Points like could in the skies
Nothing better than the debate


Like it or lump it, forget what you thought

I’m my own man and not what I’m no

I won’t complain cause I’m happy with what I got

Things people do that piss me off

People who want to say something bad to your face but cut off mid-sentence or mumble it under their breath,

People who act hard but come from loving families or estates,

People who do things just to fit in or “be cool”,

I hate when people do things for attention.


Sometimes when I’m down

I take a look around

I see how I have grown

And how my feet have hit the ground

The row

From the sound of the blade to the sound of the race.

The grunt of the ox to the scream of the cox.
As we displayed how to pace.
We move like flocks of hurried hawks.
The end is near too soon we fear.
We have to show how to flow.
We find the gear as we shed a tear.
We don’t know yet.


I hate going to physics it is suck a trek

I hate loud women they leave me in some wreck

I love going out with the lads it is so much fun

Playing sport is one of my passions as I like the freedom to run

I love to listen to music at night

I would love to be a musician because making music makes me feel right

These are the things I love and hate

This is my life and the things that helps me get more mates

Things people do that I hate

First of all, when people who want to say something to your face but mumble it under their breath or cut off what they’re saying mid-sentence,

People who do things for attention,

People who try too hard to fit in or “be cool”,

Finally, when people don’t listen to what you say and just focus on themselves when you’re talking.


This world is full of hate,

the boys hailed in yellow,

Sneering at everyone they see.

To the girls giggling at old friends,

Acting as if they despise everything.

Men staring at women like the don’t live,

Continuing to walk not truly living.

We all continue to do this changing

The new generations to be just like them,

Making the world hate itself.


Sometimes I wonder why?

But then I realise what’s so important.

Family, friends and people around us,

Who care and love us for who we are,

And provide us with times to remember.


Never make someone feel small,

Never make them see red

Just give them a call,

So they can get into bed

Feeling happy and and proud

Like they’re on the ninth cloud.

“Ego in charge of ever move he’s a star”-Jcole

Trials and tribulations of fame relate to schools dominated by patriarchy the same,

The “nerds” often hold brighter futures compared to those who are obsessed over their own self proclaimed fame and their cool name that everyone knows.

However these are the people that are dismissed their interesting story’s missed.


Struggling to learn

When will it take turn

The courage isn’t there

But there is plenty fear

The thrive to impress

But not worth the stress

I’m not smart but I don’t try

And that’s not a lie


From those winter mornings
To those cold dark nights
I wondered if it would be worth it
Whether I could lace my boots again
Whether I Could pack my gear bag one last time
Whether I could take to the field with my mates
I thought it would break me
But it didn’t

As I perfected those movements
That had haunted me for a year
I was ready
To make my return
But nobody had ever mentioned
The power of the mind
I thought I was ready
But I wasn’t

Getting Out of Bed

Lying in bed

Waiting for my alarm to go off

Wishing it was the weekend

I eventually get up

Still thinking about my warm bed

Getting changed into my uniform

Thinking about the long hours ahead of me.


I love to play sport in the sun
I find it to be lots of fun
When I play my worries disappear
It often numbs the pain of my tear

When I play during the rain
I feel my body start to drain
I play no matter the weather
If it means I play in leather


Aviation is not just transport to a fancy resort,

It is a way of life to see the skies with your own eyes,

A brilliant way to travel and unravel,

A way to escape the prison of the ground

A mile of road will take you a mile

A mile of runway will take you anywhere…


From the street of Brazil to the forests of Africa soccer is played all across the world.

Everyone plays it or has played before in their life time.It’s the worlds game.

This sport brings together culture, people and communities.

The game is so simple that’s what’s makes it brilliant for everybody across the world.

Everyone comes together to watch this sport and that’s what makes it the worlds sport


Masculinity is showing vulnerability,

It is showing your weakness and capability,

It is your power to be able to show who you are and who you want to be,

to people you love, adore and you are protective about.

It is not all about being tough, scary and big but it is about how you show yourself to your loved ones or to anyone in the world,

about who you are and not trying to fit in with the world and trying to follow someone or something that is said.

Lastly it is ok to be different from others, no reason to try and fit in when you can showcase who you are and how you are different from others.


A land of white and grey
All year round , for many years to come

A paint tube hiding it’s colour from the canvas
Trying to hide itself as another

An airport with flights all leading to the same destination, none willing to spot the gems , fearing the unknown which is never there

A piece of art begging to be displayed only to be covered in a tarp, another number on the shelf

A fear of the colours draws one away from their place in the world

Football Team

One thing I love about supporting a football team is the family-like community of the club.

The chants created by fans, the passion the players display on and off the pitch simply make us all proud, especially if they go on to win titles and trophies.

Writing history is never easy, which is what I like about football and teams winning trophies.

The pride in supporting a football club is unlike anything I have experienced before.


I don’t enjoy that much sports but there is one sport I do really like and that is football. I wait every day of every week waiting for my team to play.When they win it makes my week and when we lose it ruins my week.Seeing my club win a trophy or a big game gives me a special feeling.


Hurling fast, the sliotar flies,

Stick in hand, we reach for the skies.

With every score, we shout and cheer,

In the game we love, there’s nothing to fear!

Myself And My Own

The man I am
Whatever I am
To whoever they are
Tastes less than still water.

Everyday of mine
For nowhere to find
Remains inside
Out of people’s sight.


As we marched from the dressing room to the field.
The hearts beating in our chest.
With our helmets on our heads and our Hurleys a shield.
As the manager was fuming and had to take a seat.

We came together as a team
Our opposition couldn’t do anything if they dared
We were the almighty machine
They were utterly scared


On evenings after sports or sailing
Things often become more vibrant
I become thankful for what I have
And become present

The air becomes crisp and colder
I can feel if flowing in my neck
Greens pop off trees, bright and colourful
I notice sounds much more now
I like the cracks and crunches of leaves when the wind blows them around

How can people not enjoy these things
The blue in the sky or the brown of the wood
If everyone could see through my eyes now
Life would become so much more precious
How could someone not want to live

But not everyone has as perfect of a life as mine
Which makes me sad in these moments
I feel guilty, and want to share this feeling
But also reminds me to appreciate all the beautiful things I have
And give thanks to God for giving me them

Liverpool’s fans

Doesn’t matter if it’s home or away
You can hear the cop singing on the day

Early prem kickoffs or champions league nights
The Anfield roar helps Liverpool through the fight

The 12th man of the club Liverpool
The fans create moments like the miracle of Istanbul


As I watch the sun, the sun watches me

I wonder to myself why can’t we all be free

The enlightenment and love that the sun brings us

Should be a sign to stop and think on a plus

We should all take time to stop and think

Even if it’s as short as a blink


Everybody is different to themselves and have their own thoughts yet we mistreat people for who they are.

People should treat people equally no matter who they are and we can all live in happiness.


Embrace the journey, the highs and the lows,

For in every struggle a true character grows.

A gentle warrior with passion and grace,

Masculinity’s essence is a beautiful space.


Men say f the system

But deep down their stuck in a cycle and have to learn it’s key to be me,

Men just stick to the norm

But they will learn to eventually transform.

Men stand upfront but are just hiding behind a wall.

Lost In Nature

Go With the flow as nature predicts
Living in harmony amongst the young animals in the wild that exists.

Birds singing in the trees as wild blossoms sway away, in the wind the little darlings play away.

Searching, searching, searching for food, seeing the light of gods way that brings light heartedness moods.

Fly fly fly away getting lost in nature
As we all know this is Gods way..


When I walk through cork city

All I see is drugs and pitty

I hope to see this city famous as it should be.


Men are into simple things,

Not pricey cars or expensive rings,

Just the things that they truly love,

When it comes to push or shove,

Like sports or whatever but in the end,

It’s just about a family and a friend.


Sport is a place where all problems disappear

I don’t care about others, I have no fear.

I show up for training every single day

And personal issues fade as I play.

Matches and trainings an emotional spin

But they’ll all be worth it the day that I win


A head of thoughts limited by only the insecurities inside them
To think is to dream and to dream is to imagine what could be
I question my actions relevant to my potential and my potential is yet to be determined through time
I wonder what I should be and what people want me to be , although I’m not sure what path I should venture down
The expression one in a million is truly understated and people struggle to apprehend its significance and truth
I want to be what makes a difference to others


At the start of your time you were just an amoeba

A slimy combination of muck, grim

You grew from a speck with fins, gills and flippers

Crawled out of the water much like a mudskipper

Amphibious you were but then fully land dwelling

From nothing to a toad you really have been swelling

A hard reptile coat and strong legs and feet

Extinctions, eruptions, rocks split the sea

Then suddenly a rock made you furry and small

But within a few million years you were towering over all

You shrunk and lost hair grew a big brain and bigger hands

A small little chimp throwing rocks in the palms

For some stupid reason got down from the tree

Stood straight up, started writing and fished in the sea

Empires, religions, nukes, bratwurst, trombones.


School should be fun and bright

Not keep people up at night

School should be a place where people enjoy or love

Not a place where people weak up and dread

Good results are important

But good mental health is necessary


Wake up get in car

Go to school Finnish school

Eat dinner brush teeth

Go to sleep


What is a Man?

What is a man?
A man is someone who cares for others ,
A man is some one who treats friends like brothers.

What is a man?
A man is someone who likes to be himself
Whether that be playing sport or reading books from a shelf.

What is a man?
A man is someone who treats people with respect ,
A man is someone who loves to protect.

Men can be all of the above ,
Men should be able to express themselves and learn to love.





Sensitive lad

Does not care lad

Hard lad

Soft lad

Rich lad

Poor lad

Friendly lad

Not so friendly lad

Childish lad

A man can anything he wants to be.


What’s it like to be a man, they say?

The constant struggle of meeting demands everyday,

So how is it, they say?

The tough mental troubles in the way,

Feelings are hidden away

The tough expectations set

And disheartening feeling when they aren’t met


What it means to be a man sippin on beer cans,

chilling by the fan I’m cool like that stop acting like a tool you stupid fool,

man up and go to school because that what it means to be a man.

Growing up expected to be the man of the house how can a man be a man if his daddy ran out I wanna shout but I can’t because my brothers asleep,

I wanna go out but I cant because my momma is weak,

I gotta sleep but I can’t because my siblings scream because that what it means to be a man.


Big, strong, assertive,
And never small, emotional, empathetic,
What we are expected to be, a man.
A man not kind,emotional, small, empathetic, what is he?
If that is what a man is, I am not one
But if true, I’m weak, pathetic, a baby, a pity.
But why should we be affected by this stereotype?
We shouldn’t, because a man can be anything, we are a diverse species

To confine an organism so intelligent to this fake identity is an insult to a being so intelligent


A man is supportive
A man is available
A man is kind and caring
A man is gentle
A man is strong
A man is here and there
I am a man

Worldwide Struggle

The world is wide the world is big the world is massive

Muslim people struggle Christian’s struggle

Everyone struggles.

What is a man?

A men is the quite moment of loneliness

It is the loud moments of laughter around the lunch table with your friends

What is a man

A men is the emotion that runs through that you can’t really explain when you see a father and his child

A men is the moment when you want the ground to swallow you after you fail

What is a man

A man is the quite silence that fills the space around your father and you on a quite lake

What is a men but a eternal undefinable unanswered question.

What is a man?

Someone who stands tall and makes others around him fall

Someone who thinks he’s cool but is only a fool

A man is you being you

Don’t do something that doesn’t make you, you

Be strong help does who fall


Man, where do I begin with men.

I could begin with how his life can change,

Going from the highs of Hollywood fame to being something no one cares about.

How you can have everyone wanting you to having to invite people you don’t know to sleep on your coach just for some human connection.

But maybe the guy who slept on your coach changes you. And maybe you change him.

Maybe I begin with the connection men can have.

From meeting by complete accident to having memories with them that can’t be an accident.

The way a man can break a generational cycle.

Growing up in an abusive household, being told that you were born broken,

unable to be fixed, to pushing through and finding something that can fill that gap that your family took from you.

These are all things that can shape a man.


What is a man? I found myself and others dreaming like kids do,
Dreaming of success, love, money, fame to name a few
But A man has to find the harsh realities of what is not likely
A man is someone that you want others to see.

A man will always be judged by the public eye
A man needs to try and fit in
A man is told to work in the gym
A man can’t be seen as soft or shy
A man needs to be purposeful
A man will be judged for their luxuries and appearances

A man is told to do it for their family
Be better than the next generation
A man is to do it for the believers
To do it for the doubters
A man will always meet rats and brothers
To be a man for me will always be confusing.


you must be swift as the coursing river

with all the force of a great typhoon

with all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon


There’s no point in wearing a mask and pretending to be someone your not because the strongest people don’t do that.
