Allow me to pose a question, what is running?
Allow me to pose another, how would you describe it?
Now allow me to tell you something.
Running can be different.
Running can be different from one one human to another, as different as the Irish weather, between one day and the next.
As different as the colours at each end of the rainbow, as different as black soot and white snow.
All the surfaces our feather-like feet pound against, all the places we run to, and all the reasons we run for.
Not one person tells the same tale about flight.
Like life, like love, running can be different from one person to another.
But to give praise to a commonality shared by all humanity.
Despite what we think of the simple steps; one foot in front of the other.
I will end with a message as meaningful as your personality.
We were born to run.
Maybe the world has some hope to change?
Liking pink wont get so much hate
Walking alone can be peaceful and quiet,
Not terrifying and frightening
Hoping I’ll make home okay
Hoping the world can change
Guys are so territorial, always having set rules.
When they have a group of friends, their so uninviting. What fools.
I once went to a summer camp, 2 weeks long.
When I turned up in the 2nd week, I thought I could make friends. I was wrong.
They pushed me away when I tried to be included.
I spent the first couple days secluded.
But then I met these girls, about 10 of them. You should’ve seen the guys faces.
I hung out with them loads, in any places.
They were friendly and inviting, I could talk to them about anything.
Never once did I think about having a fling.
They were my best friends.
Being a Girl
Being a girl consists of many positives and negatives. You are judged and mistreated for just being you.
I feel that girls are expected to be a certain way, to be always kind and fair and never talk bad about each other. I feel friendships are difficult as we all talk bad about eachother in secret.
To be a girl walking down the street you feel uncomfortable and scared. Your taught to fear men when in reality we should be reinforcing measures to make women feel safe. Although there are many bad parts I feel women hood is such a special experience.
Some girls are true and incredible people and if you are able to find a real female friendship it is something to treasure.
I think the world’s emotions about sexualities are wrong like being one sexuality means you’re wrong you aren’t born right or anything I think people make to big of a deal about it and that being any sexuality of any gender is perfect I also think that religious wars shouldn’t be a thing just that people believe in one thing and not another and they are right in their own way
I have never been a huge sports person I have my few favourites but stuff like rugby or hurley the more stereotypical masculine sports I never found interesting or fun in my own head I thought something was wrong with me for not liking them or i was not like most other boys in my class. My personal belief recently is i think that we don’t always have to like the stuff people tell us to or say that we should like based on what gender we were born into.
I Love Being a Girl
I love being a girl,
I love being understood,
I love being myself,
I love being a best friend
I see the bad and the hate,
Yet I love being a girl
Men will hate but we’ll still love
I have my faults and insecurities
I have bad days but remember the good
I am not perfect but that I love
I love being a girl.
Being a Man
To me being a man is not to rise alone nor in disguise,
The courage to feel and to care and face the world with open stare,
It’s the way you have pain but choose to rise again through the darkness,
It’s the way you show affection through the direction you take,
It’s like the outside is like a stone but the inside like a broken bone.
I’m a 16 year old black girl
Im a 16 year old black girl
I’d say the first line is enough
the constant feeling of not being good enough.
the academic pressure,
not being able to fully express emotions
because u must always display that u are strong enough.
Im a 16 year old black girl
but i wouldn’t have it any other way.
As a Girl
As a girl we grow up feeling smaller than men,
but i promise through my life i feel big when,
i see men without a feeling in their head,
because i know that haunts them when they go to bed,
passion is something that overcomes all,
and because women share it we aren’t small,
At the end of the day men and women are the same,
but tbh their lack of emotional intelligence is laughable and lame,
If they stopped acting like heartless jocks,
and putting each other in head locks,
they might realise that feelings are good,
and they should stop acting like they’re in the hood.
Is it tough being a girl in this world?
Is it tough being a girl in this world?
Isolated, criticised
“Hey it was just a joke”, but it wasn’t, it hurt
They don’t understand, the power they have
When a comment is made and you feel so low
Unwanted, sexualised
Craving for love and attention
But they won’t fill your bucket, they can’t realise
That all a girl wants is care
But that’s just men.
Being a Girl
Being a girl can be difficult.
I have to face many different challenges.
Going to a mixed school can be fun but it can also bring complications.
You can feel confident and yourself all day,
but one comment can change all of that.
Boys sometimes don’t realise that what they say is hurtful
but it can stick with you for ages.
Walking down the road can be scary but when I surround myself with people that make me feel comfortable, it can help.
I try to not notice it but sometimes it gets too much.
Girls can be mean with their words and that hurts.
They can pick everything out about you use that as a weapon.
My friends make me feel better about myself and I’m happy to have them.
Being a Man
Being a man is having the courage to say that being a man means nothing. It is not by the sex you are born as, but the person you choose to become that defines you.
Perhaps being a man is having the courage to shatter cultural narratives and to stand defiant in the face of alienation when breaking those narratives.
Being a man is not the strength or size of your muscles, but the strength of your character and size of your heart.
Being a man is not how much money you earn or how many women you’ve been with, it’s how many people you’ve made smile and helped just by being there for them.
Being a man is having the courage to not give a shit what anybody else thinks except those you care about.
Being a man is, in essence, a balancing act that everyone experiences differently and perhaps at its core, being a man is figuring that balancing act out.
I Love Being a Girl
I love being a girl
The upsides definitely outweigh the downsides
I have the most amazing girl-friends and I love how I can talk to them about anything.
The happiness I feel after hanging out with my besties is really unmatched.
I also have many guy friends who all are lovely too.
But all they need to say is one misogynistic thing and my whole perspective of them changes.
I realise that they are still in fact a man and usually do not have the same understanding of women’s experiences.
They go through the day in their own world and I feel they fail to see and understand everyone’s different experiences, this isn’t about all men though just some.
Being a Man
To me being a man is being able to understand others.
To be able to listen without judging.
To give a helping hand when those need.
To help others who mightn’t even know they need it.
It’s funny how everyone has their own life and has a different personalilty but gender separates us, men have a stereotype and women also, one has more aggression and another is too emotional, why is this? Maybe there is a scientific explanation but depending on your gender it can be an excuse for your actions. Deep down everyone is good I guess but on the outside is what matters, that’s how you are treating people.
Reality Check
Men of all need a reality check
Or someone to cop some sense into them
Being a woman is difficult and hard to understand
Men get the freeness of walking down a street without being uncomfortable
Women don’t.
Men always like the think they are stronger by holding in their feelings
Women don’t see it as that, personally it’s unattractive.
Men don’t like to admit that they are wrong
When all women need is someone that will make them feel like they make some sense.
Men don’t understand the meaning of actually being a man
Women do.
Being a Woman
Being a woman is beautiful yet tough
You don’t just get praised you also get shamed
Shamed for being who you are or being who you want to be
Shamed for being pretty, ugly, smart, dumb
You want to find a kind and caring lover
You feel as if people look past your personality and only look at the front cover
Being a woman is beautiful yet tough.
What Happens
What happens when the war can’t be won
When whats been said can’t be undone
What happens when I feel I’m drowning in despair
I can’t breathe in your mind, I’m gasping for air
Your idea of me is a prison I can’t escape
For the girls in the streets who fear of rape
I can’t heal all that is broken
I hope those in power can be awoken.
Second Glance
Right now is like describing an adjective,
I never know where to start or end.
Who knew that walking blindly,
Would lead to a bad descend.
Nothing could ever be lit on fire,
All it really is is fire on it.
Now going back is how the way I see it,
But I guess it’s design to fit.
Second Glance
To me, being a man is being there for people in their times of need
To respect everyone individually and treat others how you want to treated
To be able to make others feel safe and vulnerable no matter how they treat you
To look at people for who they are and not how they look, sound like, smell like or there social status.
To learn from your mistakes and to reflect on how it affects others.
To be able to see others get what you want but still be able to feel joy for them because you love them and wish the best for them even if it does not make you happy.
These things all come back to you as once you do these things, they will spread a positive influence on others and teach them how to treat people fairly.
What it is to be a man
To be there for others
To respect everyone’s opinion
To be vulnerable
To understand others
To listen to everyone
To be kind to everyone
To be there for people when they are going threw a tough time.
Best Friend
Having a best friend is the best thing ever,
It makes me feel happy and peace.
Feeling alone? No you should never.
A true friendship will never cease.
Music Box
Waiting for you is like a music box
I wait for you, patiently and quietly
Even when you get tired of my tune or you would throw me away for another
But your melody i never got tired of, and ill never get sick of
Even if I’m just one of the music box in your collection
You were the only one I cherished.
I think the past will always haunt me
the good and bad can never go past me
I’ll always crave what I had in my childhood
Wether it was real or just a fantasy
I wish I had the same mind as before
free of thoughts and full of hope
I miss the love and warmth I used to feel
that now has vanished into thin air
I want to go back and not grow so fast
Nostalgia haunts me that’s a fact.
Why did you say hi?
Why did you say hi?
Hello would have sounded better
Saying hi makes you sound dumb
Are you dumb?
Everyone thinks you’re dumb.
I’m 16 years old.
They already know what age you are
You don’t have to tell them this
They don’t want to know.
I like playing hockey and I like to dance.
They don’t care
No one cares
It doesn’t matter what you like doing
Not everything’s about you.
I live a quiet life…
Don’t say that
They’re going to think you’re boring
You don’t want them to think you’re boring do you.
…for a girl whose mind never stops.
Prefer to be Weird
“You’re gay? What?”
Shock colours their faces every time.
“But you’re normal.”
“Are you a drag queen?”
“Do you like me?”
They can’t be friends with me anymore.
Because I can’t like guys as ‘just friends.’
Because they couldn’t like girls as ‘just friends.’
Sometimes they don’t mind.
Or, they pretend not to.
I’m one of the ‘normal ones.’
But if they’re normal, I’d prefer to be weird.
Try and Please
To try and please
Comes not with ease
When all I do
Comes back to you
The truth lays heavy
Wrapped around my very throat
A past I desperately want to bury
Write it out and burn the note
But even to skim the subject simply
I feel judged really quickly
For they think I’m the same as him
But my actions aren’t quite as grim
A constant battle
To stay in the saddle
And keep hold of the reins
Yet the trouble always remains.
I feel like a fool
I don’t have a deep down
Like in a kiddie pool
Unable to drown
All I can trust is my words in poem
Evening time, when I return
I don’t have any trust in family at home
For the lacking warmth, I truly yearn
She thinks she knows
She’s never right
She tries so hard, all alone
She raised me lonely my whole life
There’s no need to feel
For a false emotional mask
Appears to be real
From an outsider’s glance
Bury deep down what is true
You are what you show on the surface
Show not a crumb of your blues
To serve the crowd is your only purpose.
Blossom and Bloom
The leaves blow in the wind,
Scattering them all over the floor,
Like a carcass that was skinned,
Life in them no more.
They know their fate.
The mystery that the future holds unveiled,
I know my faith
But the mystery is still there.
I need to wait for spring,
To blossom and bloom.
Let winter pass
For not all of life is gloom.
I’ll never forget that last glance
the very last glance that you gave me
the one that wasted yet another chance
a chance that wasnt for you, it was for me.
I wanted to understand you,
but fear made you act different
yet your actions spoke louder than words,
they spoke words that no one deserves.
I will still be here waiting on you
admiring who you once were
appalled at what pain has turned you into.
The fear of change, changes minds to fill with hostility instead of hospitality
Being different creates vulnerabilities that
accentuate struggles with masculinity leading to ostracisation.
Change is a necessity but must come collectively to be wielded as weaponry for equality.
North Side
The North Side is like a middle child,
Neglected, ignored, it makes you wild
whenever you see, roadmen,
These, idiots, who call themselves, men,
Who’ve never had a real talk.
But, by the bed of the walk, the end of the day,
We all want to lay
soundly in bed.
Some Days
Some days I feel like I’m just getting started
Chasing dreams that aren’t broken hearted
I laugh with my friends mess around and play
Living for the moment one step at a time each day The future’s out there a little unclear
But I’m ready for it there’s nothing to fear
I’ll figure it out take it slow
And enjoy the ride wherever I go.
How to me a man
How to be a man.
Ask me to define it I don’t think I can.
The immense social pressure.
Forced to hide your emotions.
To fix it, there is no one gesture.
Society filling young boys heads with notions.
Notions of weakness and fear.
The need to be confident and strong.
An imagine of young men sitting with beer and putting down woman all night long.
And when a man gets hurt and can’t talk to a friend.
Not knowing of what it might cost.
Then when he feels that his pain will never end.
Society sees a life lost.
Friends Don’t End
My friends in my ends keep me on the mend
They constantly defend and don’t pretend
They lend me a hand and protect me from bad
I’m never sad I’m always glad
My friends never make me mad and I love my old lads
Living Life
Being a human is hard
The ball is never in your yard
Everyone excpects you to be –
A certain way to see-
The world the way they do.
If your quiet your weird,
If your loud your cleared
Why can’t we all live
Not feeling untrusted
By others.
He held her hand like it was glass,
afraid to break, afraid to ask
if she would stay, if this was real,
if love was something they could feel
She traced his scars, he kissed her fears
they spoke in laughter, and fought in tears
No fairy tale, no perfect rhyme,
just stolen moments lost in time
One day she left, like people do,
no reason clear, no solid truth
But when it rained, he swore he knew
she loved him once he loved her too.
Human Connection
Being human is about helping people
Feeling connection with people we know
To hopefully make us feel all equal
And not make them feel below
Its the best part of this world
And makes this world glow
Now I sit here grateful for human connection
It makes us all feel great affection.
The Noise
The noise is everywhere, it is is everything.
It is not just sound, it is clutter, it is blinding.
The cold light, the dull air, the chattering volume.
The noise is too much, it consumes
Every sense, every thought
Is this the world I’ve been brought?
I can’t escape, can’t run can think
Don’t want the bottle but need the drink
I want it to end it needs to stop.
But it does not.
But neither will I.
Despite the pain I shall not die.
The world keeps turning,
My mind is burning,
But even still,
Survive? I will.
Tired but not yet exhausted
These filthy expectations rooted deep into our shoes
But what purpose if we cant be ourselves?
No unique qualities, strength, status.
But what strength without empathy?
What is status without experience?
Several hours behind these walls
Like a mask drowning us
Doing anything we can to get back to the surface
Pushing each other deeper in the process.
Music blasts though my headphones,
obliterating outside noise.
The entire world cocooned in static.
Rain outside lulling me to sleep.
The entire world quiet, soft.
I close my eyes.
Brown hair drifts towards me unbidden.
I wake up.
I love school
I love my friends
I love doing my hair and makeup at 5 am so I make it on time
I love seeing my day shine with good memories and funny jokes
of course days can suck and people are mean
but I know ill be ok if I have my team
there always there and for that I’m grateful
and if I didn’t have then I would be so very hateful.
Flowers Oxidize if Evil
We all hope that we aren’t bad.
Raised to believe that we are good, or at least I was.
But I am rotted
I look at her body, I look at his body
I feel shame, I feel aroused.
I see people as objects to make me feel good,
And I don’t.
People see me as a nice character, someone to befriend, someone to hold in high regard.
My teachers, my friends, my family, all ignorant.
What a shame they don’t see my decomposed and rusty heart
Maybe they could get some vinegar and wash it away,
Or see through the oxidation. No, I don’t think so.
I’m only young, and I have potential, but I disgust.
Disgust myself everyday by who I am, and what I resemble is a dirty petri dish in a lab.
Infested with cultures of bacteria, growing, and becoming worse, but not being able to stop without intervention. I want to sterilise my petri dish of evil and scum, but I fear I cannot.
I wish I was okay, and fresh, and my flowers bloomed, and maybe my flower has bloomed to other bees, others to consume my pollen and thrive, but that is all I can hope,
And if my rust is exposed, my pollen will turn to poison, lead dust, and I will be no more my own facade, my own ghost.
And it will be over.
Among Us
This game gives me a place to hide
from all the demons deep inside
the colours flow like the tide
its all an emotional ride
to find who it is that died
and where their soul will abide.
Some lyrics I had laying around
Drift round my city in my car with no traction
I stay my the city cause you know that I’m active
I’m attractive Im a bad man I’m into fashion
Three traits man I must be Batman
Told my bro to go and bring the Mac in
Told my bro to come and bring the track in
Made this song cause I need to bring some racks in
this ain’t nothing to me I could put it on the back end
Me and the boys yeah we run everything we got our own lil gang nah it’s more like a faction
And if we see someone that we do not like swear to god well divide him up like it’s a fraction
I’m into action I’m into passion I’m a distraction
Three traits man I’m MJ Jackson
And ima Murder my own beat like a ninja bro
So can you call me the track assassin hold on
Break: and I think the effort you lack is massive
I’m cold hearted I’m cold blooded
Did this song on my own but I ain’t owed nothing
Sleeping on me like y’all ain’t no nothing
Heavenly song like a Saint like oh love it
I’ll be at the top like a cold summit
Wearing oakleys and it’s rose tinted
Look at the gear that I chose man all it’s fitted
Bro To my body like I’m so wicked
Im chrome hearted but im so gutted
Cause i feel like I don’t say enough
And my Heart feeling like it’s cold flooded
Probably cause like I don’t pray enough
But sometimes I be feeling like I say too much
Like some of these people don’t know me
But like I must’ve had the goats touch
Cause everything people do is still below me
Call me the goat like I be Kobe
Are we good to go now
Cause I had to slow down the flow down so people could catch up to me
The music is so loud I’m doing the ho down look I’m so good with my feet
I know how to dance I’m dancing like Motown
Like look how I dance on this beat
Jump around in my nightgown
And we could still fight now
Be like wassup now
I’ll Bring it to the ground like a touchdown
If the boy have mad mouth
Ima go and drown that sound out
Like ima bring my round out (roundhouse).
Being a girl
Being a girl is walking down the street afraid at night
Being a girl is being slagged off for doing literally anything
Being a girl is always having to look perfect
Being a girl is also doing your makeup with friends with music blasting
Being a girl is also spending 3 hours shopping for one thing
Being a girl is making some of the closest connections with other girls
Being a girl is *also* awesome.