Cross and Passion College Poetry



In shadows deep, where sorrow weeps,

Grief’s heavy cloak, my spirit keeps.

Whispers lost in the silent night,

Echoes of pain, veiled from sight.


Tears like rivers, flowing free,

Embracing loss, a storm in me.

In the heart’s dark, a void so wide,

Where memories dance, by sorrow’s side.


Yet in the dusk, a flicker gleams,

A light in the dark, a hope that beams.

Through the ache, a rainbow’s hue,

In grief’s embrace, love shines anew.




He walked outside his home, which was very uneventful.

A world of inverse palette,

With everything reversed,

it almost seemed more colourful.
It was a trap.


The field he waltzed through had lines of bushes

With leaves of blue and purple,

Growing from pink grass

Sprayed with blood of crimson


He cut into the fruit hanging
It smelt like oranges

The leaves and trees were swaying

As he was standing

The darkness got closer.


The boy decided to make his way back to his home

But before he could even stand

He felt something reaching out

A dark, crimson, shadow of a “hand”




At age five i was told by my own mother that boys hit me because they like me.

at age ten the boys in my class told me that “fire trucks don’t stop at red lights”.

at age twelve i was told by my male teacher that i was very mature for my age.

at age fifteen the only validation i felt was from the men online.

at age sixteen my school skirt was “distracting” my peers.

at age seventeen i was told by him that nobody would believe me.

at age twenty one i was told i would never succeed in my job because im a woman.

now at age at thirty giving birth to my daughter i promise myself i’ll never let the same cycle

repeat for her.

at age thirty five my daughter comes home from school asking why the boys in her class hit her.

Never confuse abuse for love


The Mojave


The Sun low in the red sky,

Rays of light cast long shadows on the rocks,

A barren, dusty, rocky desert,

Skulls of man and beast litter the wasteland,

Stains of blood on the rocks,

Echoes of past wars long forgotten,

Affects still known in the future,

Conflict and tragedy melted together in the red West,

War is a game with no winners,

And only the losers remain in the end.




Through the freshly cut grass, and the dents in the ground

left from the boots of each player,

we come together to call ourselves a team

Through day and through night, through blood sweat and tears

the players that stand here, are staying for another year

For some it may be there last, and some their first

These dented pitches bring joy and cheer

They bring friendships, they bring passion

So it’s not just a sport, and it’s not just a pitch

It’s a lifestyle and a career

and each and every player builds their character, right here.




In schools where the knowledge blooms, bright minds gather in lively rooms.

From ancient tales to science’s gleam, students chase there every dream.

Laughter echos through the halls, as friendship forms and beauty calls.

With teachers guiding lessons unfold, in schools stories told.




Beneath the mask, a quite storm,

A fragile heart, a mind torn warm.

The weight of words I couldn’t say,

Press heavy on my chest each day.

In silence, fear begins to grow,

But in the cracks, the light will show.

A tender truth, exposed and bare-

I heal by trusting who will care.





School is dead,

not a word in my head.

The Day drags on,

and after all knowledge is gone.

pencils of lead,

words being read.

once the day is done,

there no where to run.

on home we go,

with all we know.

Lying in bed,

Regretting all the things we have said.




When with my friends,

feeling so big and tall.

But on the inside I feel ready to fall.

Out in public, looking very stubbly.

But when I am home I’m so warm and bubbly.

i’m out with my friends I act so very cheery,

at night when I’m alone,

I feel so eerie.

To go on an outing I start a unconscious ploy.

But when I finally alone with my lover,

the world around me turns to joy.

oh so tiring trying to be.

Sometimes I’d rather just to be me.




in a world that often doesn’t see,

the strength within her heart so free

she battles storms, both night and day,

yet finds the light, a hopeful ray

through whispers harsh, shadows cast

she stands her ground, her spirit vast

a life so hard, yet she prevails

her story told in whispered tales.




I come from a small village nowhere near a town,

can walk all roads leading to a farm,

much unlike a town,

while farmers farm with a frown,

lonely world that is plowing in the morning mist

thinking about what could’ve been and that huge big long bucket list.

rising at 4 to fields galore ploughing and bailing some more,

had no choice, was what dad did,

wouldn’t want to cause war.

no breaks, apple trees shake as winter now has come,

im not a farmer, sympathy

I don’t want to garner,

I just hear a farmers tractors low hum,

and thats why i wrote this poem



**we love gay dogs they are beautiful**


In parks where the sunlight softly gleams,

A world of wagging tails and dreams,

Where dogs of every colour, shape, and size,

Run free beneath the open skies.


Among them, proud and fierce, they stand,

A rainbow pack, paw in paw, hand in hand.

Gay dogs with hearts so bright and true,

In love and joy, they’re just like you.


Two poodles dance with grace and flair,

Their twirls of pride light up the air.

Bulldogs cuddle, their bond so deep,

With every bark, they make love leap.


Chihuahuas prance, with collars aglow,

A dazzling display of colors they show.

From beagle to spaniel, boxer to Dane,

Their love transcends, beyond the plain.


No judgment here, just love so pure,

In fur filled hugs, they find the cure.

For every tail that wags with pride,

Is a sign of love that won’t subside.


So let them romp, and let them play,

In their world, love will find its way.

Gay dogs with hearts as wide as the sky,

Remind us all, love will never die.




People are like roses,

When someone shows their thorns,

Another offers hands willing to bleed,

People are like trees,

Appearing strong and unbreakable,

But with the correct tools easily cut down,

People are like rivers,

Ever changing and adapting,

But always leaving an effect on the path behind them,

People are like roses.


I Come From a Small Town


I come from a small town where I know everybody and everybody knows me,

I come from 10 years of classes with boys who scream,

and roll around on the ground interrupting every class,

I come from 15 summers of not knowing what girls I’ll be hanging out with each day,

I come from my mam being my best friend where we both tell each other too much,

I come from my dad never ever failing to make me laugh no matter my mood,

I come from having two younger brothers who nearly knock the wall between our bedrooms down every day,

I come from my granny minding me whenever I was sick and my parents had to work,

I come from having two dogs to me that I will always prefer spending time with to anyone else,

I come from being nervous before every match even though we have them every week,

I come from worrying over nothing,

I come from being kind to everyone I meet,

I come from enjoying every school day because I appreciate the little things.

I come from a small town.




Layers and layers of skin!

I’m cocooning myself sure,

but thick skin keeps a man alive

Pantomiming a mirror of you- adding to my armour I thrive.

Call me two faced, call me cruel to you-

But does it matter when you don’t know which part of me talking to?

Every man would touch the iron with the assumption that-

despite layers of melted skin of others-

they will be THE one to not get burned,

And yet the outcomes the same regardless,

Layers of skin do nothing to protect those with nothing learned-

I may be a corpse walking,

a cocoon that sparks your mild ire-

But if you believe you can change me,

fine, reach in and feel the fire.




Problems in life build up like a block house

but i have a connection to something like a spouse

I gravitate to it everyday

helps me forget the problems in every way

a simple thing




I preach about the bountiful fruit,

And how first they must grow.

“A flower cannot bloom if it does not break from its bud” I say

I must be deaf,

For I do not listen.

When I go deaf, my words mean not

I do not bloom

I only clot.




D = drama

A = arty

N = notice choreography to a song

C = choreography

I = lyrical

N = naming songs

G = gymnastics


Just a Girl


I’m just a girl I want to be loved

i wanna be loved the way u can make plans

for the future together and they actually work because

You both want it

but I’m also the girl that goes for the wrong

guys that don’t want something special and i always

just get hurt in the end

I’m just a girl who loves love




I’m wrong,

I’m divergent,

I’m weird,

I need a diagnosis to explain whats wrong with me,

I need to go on a waiting list to be examined by some-ologists so they can tell me why.

Why they look at me weird,

why they giggle when I talk,

why the idea of being my friend or being attracted to me is a running joke with them.

Why the crowds are too loud, why the food is too lumpy,

why the school uniform fabric makes me want to rip my skin off.





Boys will be boys,

but boys will be only be boys when they’re with other boys

boys will be entitled to everything and everyone

but boys will be ignorant to everything and everyone

boys will be weak and small

but boys will act tough and arrogant

boys will be mirrors of misogyny

but boys will be walls to awareness




F- friends are always there for you,

R- real friend never let you down and will always be there to support you,

I- insecurity stems from a part of you that doesn’t believe your good enough,

E- everyone has their problems and that’s why they bring you down,

N- never will i forget my friends,

D- don’t let people stop you from being you.




Being a strong woman/man is not just about being tough and strong

True strength lies is kindness and vulnerability, empathy and care.

To shatter stereotypes and notions about not being able to be venerable

Strength is to be found in being true to ones self




I like to play football

and hope to get better

but injuries have affected my playing time

but hope to stay fit and play well




See love but cant feel it

Sometimes don’t see the appeal

But you make me feel surreal

It’s a change I enjoy

No longer feel alone or estranged

It’s you who gives me free-range




i like football

i like my team

come on the reds

you’ll surely win the league




I was never pretty I was always smart

I was never desired I was always just there

I got compliments on my brain and my heart

when I just wanted was praise on my face and my hair

I still had a suffocating craving for success

but I found myself more concerned on how I looked and how I dressed

and as my social status started to rise

my grades and my scores began to minimise

and when I needed it I craved that high again

being the top of the class forgetting about my friends

but I was burnt out and tired from having to pretend

all my talents wasted just to be one of them




Girls need to be aware of what they are doing to other girls.

As soon as some girls get a boyfriend they feel like they can only be with them 24/7 and leave their friends in the dark.

It really isn’t nice as their friends are trying to be nice to them but whatever they do these girls just keep being two faced.

They only make the effort when it suits them.

When they are attempting to be friends with you they act as if they are apart of the friend group and as if they behave like they have done nothing wrong.

And as girls we feel like we need to include these girls in so that we don’t hurt their feeling but as a matter of fact we need to put them in their place.

We are being too nice to these people and we make them feel as if we like them.

This makes us feel like we are two faced when actually we are just being too nice to these girls.


Girls and Boys


young girls are taught to be physical impossible

nice body, good brains ,cant speak out, cant be too quiet,

cant be “too” anything.


young boys are taught to be tough
don’t show emotions,

don’t be vulnerable, be invincible
be strong.


soon enough girls are thinking about themselves 24/7 ,

while yes it is unfortunate,

its part of life,

they then start to think about boys

and become boy obsessed or self absorbed.

then this creates shame around the fact

that people are just trying so hard to be someone

that they aren’t but then the loose sense of who they were to begin with.


then following that boys become violent,

taught to be aggressive and hide who they are for girls who want emotions.

they don’t want to be seen .


nobody wants to be heard but everyone wants to be seen.




The music I hear in my ear,

bring so much joy to me,

it’s nice its sweet it not to bleak,

it short and sweet I feel.

What a wonderful thing it is indeed,

now I feel complete.

The music I hear inside my ear brings so much joy to me.


Stop Judging


I think that we shouldn’t judge people for liking things.

I think lots of people feel embarrassed for enjoying certain hobbies

because they feel stupid but i think nothing you enjoy or love doing is stupid or embarrassing.

If everyone stopped judging people for having certain interests everyone would be a lot more interesting!!!!!!




Throughout my parents divorce,

everyone’s questions were

“How are you coping?”


“How are you feeling?”

but all I wanted

was for someone to say
that they were sorry

for what happened

to me.


Being Myself


One thing that annoys me that i want to write about is a living is a homophobic environment.

Growing up I was told that relationships are supposed to be opposite gender.

When I moved to a different town it has also been very homophobic

so it was always difficult to understand.

When I realised I might not be a heterosexual

I avoided the thoughts and they built up,

being so confused and uneducated about the topic didn’t help.

I ended up just feeling very confused and asking myself questions,

“who am i?’ “is this wrong?” and so so on.

I was told by many people that its a phase

and that I’ll get over it and that apparently

i’m too young which now i know is all untrue.

I ended up finding myself after i met an

openly lesbian girl and obviously she understood.

I started to feel better about myself

and realised that everyone is different.

I finally understood that it’s okay to be confused.




Bananas are yellow,

kinda fun,

Peel ’em back and you’re halfway done.

Soft and sweet,

they taste so good,

I’d eat a bunch,

if I really could.

Stick ’em in smoothies,

throw ’em on toast,

Bananas are the snack I like the most.

Simple fruit, nothing fancy here,

But they’re still awesome,

let’s make that clear!


We’re All Different


I come from an immigrant family which makes myself have culture and deal with racism

I come from an non Irish family which makes me not true Irish

I come from a black family which makes me seen and not heard

I come from struggles and painful words because of who i am

I come from love and equality because of the situations I’ve been

I come from all the above because I’m different and so are you.


Take off the Mask


You make me so mad,

But expect me to act like a lad.

I’m stuck in school,

where i feel like a fool.

And yet i still love,

and everything feels like a sign from above.

But when will i get an apology,

instead of being a piece in a game of monopoly.

And all I ask,

Is for you to take off your mask.

But I still look at the sky,

And ask god why, why, why.




I want to work

I will succeed

I want to earn

I will win

I want to prove

I will prove

I don’t want to work

I won’t succeed

I don’t want to earn

I wont succeed

I want to prove

but I don’t want to work





life is the little things

the late night talks with

to the walks to think about

you don’t know what you have until its gone

so be grateful for the little thing that make life worth while

to the people around us

to the animals around us

to the trees around us

thats what makes life what it is




life can be confusing

you don’t know what to do

when your a man it can be hard

trying to get the attention from women a far.

little do they known struggles we deal the mental scars that we just can’t heal

life is bad so take a break or even talk to someone about the things you hate

your mental is important so please just solve.

remember that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems


|New School|


August 26th first day of third year,

new school,

new people,

a beginning to a new life.

I enter the school as fear begins to fill my body,

Sat in the main office scared,

nervous and anxious waiting for my name to be called into the assembly,

minutes pass feels like hours finally I hear my name being called

I feel like I’m about to get sick my hearts starts racing and panting

feeling as if i’ve just ran a marathon,

I walk in following my year head I walk behind her as I walk

I see and feel 100 pair of eyes all of me. I

sit down beside two girls who are supposedly in my new class

they speak to me comfort me that there is nothing to be afraid of,

fear starts to leave my body slowing but still i sit there in silence feeling alone,

scared thinking to myself i can’t wait to go home and just hug my mom

I feel like a young child who’s going into junior infants who doesn’t want to leave their mom.

Finally first day of school is over surprisingly I made it

Now I  get to go home to my parents and tell them all about my day

and how i miss our old house our old life.

But little did I know from that point on my whole life changed for the better

and i met amazing and not so amazing people but that’s the whole part of life experience.




We can all live by eating, walking and sleeping
Because that is what it means to live.
We can all take a risk and accept the consequences because that is the bargain.
We can all be lazy, proactive, hot headed, calm
Because we can control our minds.


The reality is life is here and you can be the one to command it.
You can feel and fly higher than others if you want to.
You can be alive




I hate school

Girls are mean

I have loads of friends

But I’m never seen

School drains me

It makes me feel old

I hate the way I was never told

But for now I’ll focus on myself

Searching for the validation I never get

Somebody take over my driving

Somebody noticed that I was trying




stop being vulnerable

that’s gay

stop being emotional

that’s gay

the fact people say this is not okay


your ‘friends’ will say this

real friends will care

so choose your friends carefully

your real friends will care




I hate the way they get along better then we did,

I hate the way they never fight,

I hate the way she stole my friends,

I hate the way she seems happier now,

I hate the way she’s not mine anymore,

I hate the way I still love her but she doesn’t love me


I am Happy


I am happy I am me

I was admitted at fifteen,

as i was never keen to share my feelings,

nurses asking about how I’m dealing,

my parents worried as they never knew my feelings,

the walls had a nice sky that was stared at for hours,

I now know my parents are prouder.

I am happy, I am me


The Truth


The Truth is Something That is Never True,

Yet When you Tell Me I Believe you?
