St Munchin’s College, Corbally Rd, Co. Limerick.

A Wave Came Crashing

A wave is a force
That comes from nowhere
It brings sea spray
That could flip back your hair
Out on the board
I couldn’t help but splay
After being hit by that force
And splashed by that spray

My Life

All my life, i’ve felt so small
Has little to do with my height at all,
And more to do with how I’m made feel
Why i cant find the strength t
Allo squeal,
To the people who actually give a damn
Which fades with every sundown

The Cracks

My life is made of glass
But apparently, it is stained
Everyone notices all the cracks
But cannot look inside my pain.
If another stone is thrown; I just might break.

The Tunnel Doors

The Tunnel doors opened
The golden flares
The three lights motioned
The tension inside me went sky high

Tunnel doors opened
The French flag underlie
The position motioned
French, St…………
The golden glow glistered

The tunnel doors opened
I did it
The PSG badge appeared
I did it
the tunnel doors opened

Incorrect Machinery

Easy life with money
Parents tell me to stay away from the scummy.
I despise school its taught so badly.
If i go for a coaching course worth 350 points
Why am i judged for my history and geography.
We are small cogs in a big machine
A machine that works incorrectly

Ya Know What

I’m in ty now it’s been a daycent ol time
Chillin now cause I’m in my prime
I remember dossin and gettin in trouble
Because i had Ms sully g for a double
Playing rugby
Our team is class
Speared a young lad and
Put him on his ass
Just two years left
Until we’re free
Not ready at all
For the big L.C


The goat returns home
the crowd lets off a roar
He is finally back
The game of football has returned
He bags with his left and right
The debate is over

Poetry Class

This class was great
It was surprisingly fun
When i heard it was poetry i thought it would be dumb
Most classes are boring
They feel so long and drawn out
I sit waiting for the bell so i can get out

Cheesy Peas

This room smells like cheese.
I like eating peas
Can I please have a squeeze
I love little bees
Got no expertise
When i sneeze there is a breeze
Make you freeze
Love climbing trees
Don’t have a sexual disease
Been jumping so much it’s hurting my knees


Ronaldo went to united
Liverpool are still winning the league
He got fans over-excited
Fred can’t play and has united fans fatigued
We’re gonna win the Champions League

Middle Child

It is tough being the middle child
The experience is definitely wild
Never being understood
Always expected to be good
Standing in my sister’s shadow
even though i have a lot to show


The more you get hurt
The more you grow,
The more you fall
The more you know,
The best lessons
Are learned through pain

The Pool

I don’t like school
It is not very cool
So I went to the pool
And sat on a stool
It was not very nice
And was cold as ice

Looked like a dice
And it came at a price
Was kinda wrong
Went off like a bomb
Actually it was quite wrong

Dropped like a bomb.

Homework Done

went to school,
talked to the teachers and my classmates, had a blast
Maths was fun
had all my projects meant for today finished,
the teachers never gave out,
had my homework done,
who would have guessed that the teacher even gave a compliment,
I should stop dreaming and get out of bed,
or I’ll be late for school

Death in the Background

Writing a poem right now
this is fun
I don’t run

There are days we live
As if death were nowhere,
In the background; from joy
To joy to joy

Sport The Stress Reliever

Sport is fun, one of my favourite things to do,

Stressed for exams I go play sport to relax,

Stressed at home

I go play sport,

I’m sad I play sport ,

I’m annoyed I play sports.

What I’m saying is that I love to play sport

Stab City

Stab City straddles the mouth of the Shannon,
A term used to make people who haven’t been beyond the M50 feel superior,
A damaging term to a city riddled with previous modern plague,
A city rising from the ashes,
I am not ashamed to be from this future focused city,
Irelands third largest feels like third last forgotten


from the smell of the school halls
to the sound of the rugby balls
the sound of the classroom chatter
the sounds of the plastic screen shatter
i hate the sound of the bell ring
when the teachers scream nothing

B Ball

Basketball is my favourite sport
I like the way they dribble up and down the court
I like the sound of the swish
Jumping into the water like a fish
Basketball is the sport of kings
From to when the buzzer rings
Up high in the sky
People looking down at you

Shall Not Commit

One misses all the shots thy takes.
One who cooks does not bake
If the sky is cloudy
One should shout loudly
If the weather is cold
No need to be bold
If thy boots do not fit
One shall not commit.

Life Goes On

Life goes on and on
and every day the same
waking up going asleep to tackle the never ending day
eating the same thing after day after day
waiting for the weekend
just to chill out and
and have a diiferent day

Tedious Days

From the tedious days,
To the harsh bullying,
From the bright window haze,
Thinking you’re nothing,
It will always get better,
And you will feel you are something


My eyes opened and my legs started shaking
My alarm was ringing and my back was aching
The day was a breeze a quick flash and I’m standing on the pitch
Waiting for the whistle
Ball came at me, it was like a missile
My brain focused and I got on with my job
To win the match.

When I was a Boy

Football is an unforgiving game,
Of boys and men.
Who pushes their bodies
To the point of extreme strain.

But the feeling of Glory,
Of Pride, and Joy,
Will forever remind me,
Of when I was a boy

The Real World

I wake up in the morning and I already miss my bed,
Stressed out thinking what’s gonna be said.
They say sit there and do what your told.
But really is this the real world?
What if I want to be someone?
Not just anyone.
I don’t want to sit in a factory for hours.
I won’t be a robot waiting for my shift to be done
Mindlessly creaking as I get rusty and old,
No I won’t get dusty, ill be bold.
I’ll give this world my best.
And hope I won’t be judged on how well I did on a test.

Three Minute King

Walked in and i made that house bounce.
Lads panned out on the floor then I let out a roar.
I got hands swung off me left and right.
Saw my opportunity and went for it

This was what everyone dreamed of

I had it right there in front of me.
I had done it
It was over in three minutes
I felt like a king