Hazelwood College, Dromcollogher, Co. Limerick

Golden Sun

The golden sun glistens on the morning fields,
It’s rays nourish the green grass below,
Illuminating the heavenly blue above,
Where the sun plays hide and seek with the clouds.
This land holds a stream that summers down into the lake,
Yellow hues ripple in the water,
Cascading shadows on the pebbles below,
Tails peek, splash and dash
Throughout the water, trying to find their best meal.

Sophie O Shaughnessy


Whispers about you are rarely kind,
They are far from compassionate and loving,
Whispers about you are what no one wants to know or feel,
It is the build up of lies and secrets,
Insecurities and misconceptions.
Whispers about you are things you cannot admit to yourself,
Things you want no one to discover,
Things you keeps in the bottle inside that is continuously filling,
Can you keep these things inside forever or will the whispers get to you?

Sinead Reidy

Sooner or Later

The darkness whispers to you way too soft
You’re slowing down.
People think less of you then what they did before.
You have lost your title.
People expect your performance perfect, your delivery of scores flawless.
You have lost all respect; people now think nothing of you.
People always expect the bar I set and nothing less.
And when I don’t hit it they tell me I’m fading.
It also whispers your friends are getting stronger and you are getting weaker
Sooner or later they’ll replace you cause your reputation is now tarnished


Restless Nights

Remember restless nights awake under gentle light bathed
With red skin and an ache unlike any other.
Layered and rubbed with thick greasy cream that gathered in corners.
Plasters and bandages soaked with blood right through.
The help only worsening the itch that seared deeper and deeper.

Remember waiting rooms and car journeys in sickening heat
Watching worry lines deepen and smiles fade to frustration.
The gentle reassuring tone of a nurse’s voice amidst the hum of doctors meeting patients.
A small heart thumping against a cold clinical stethoscope.

Muireann O’Callaghan

The Graffiti Scribbled

The graffiti scribbled on these school walls as kids run away in laughter.
The smoke from the newly teens slowly fills the room.
The secrets that were told to one another,
That shall never be spoken of again.
The first years running and racing to be there next class,
Oh how I remember my heart beating so fast,
The talks of the nights that have past that we want back.
But why?

Chloe Falvey

Legends are Born

The fly half crossed field kicked to my burning wing,
I catch the shooting ball my hands trembling, my heart thumping.
The ball is slowly dropping.
Thinking about nothing else dreams become reality,
Legends are born.

Seamus O Donnell


The new born calf takes its first breath
Where the mother starts to clean
The calf starts to stand
But fails but this small creature
Does not give up
And tries and tries again

The silage is cut
Where big machinery come in and out
Of the small old fashioned yard
The dust rising 10 foot into the air
While the young calves get to
Feed on the freshly cut grass
That fails of the trailer
And the day is finally done

Pat Curtin

Halloween Night

The boys gathered on Halloween night, bags stuffed with cans
Fireworks flying into the cold night sky, the sergeant arrives on for the chase

The boys are running, wet grass beneath their feet,
Heavy breathing, running away to escape

Luke Walsh

These Broken Dolls

These broken dolls remember the girl brought home in the bright pink cradle,
The cries of hunger, pain and sickness, the giggles, the smiles, the joy and the hope in her face.
These height marks on the door mark the first steps, jumps and leaps,
The first words spoke from the innocent mouth, the first falls and the first achievements,
The first touch of snow, sun and sand.
These scares tells stories of the ups and downs of school, the pain of failure,
The joy of achievements, the long nights spent staring at the exam papers,
Tears flowing down her face.
The friends who stayed and the friends who left the emotions of graduation day.
These lights recall the songs and dances; the instruments learnt, the jigs and the reels,
The performances to long lost family, and the medals placed the biggest shelf.
The creaking carpets remember the last days at home, the final goodbyes,
The farewells for now but not for long because one day she will be back again.

Hannah O’Sullivan

One Night

Remember what you did,
What you said,
How you spoke,
How you stood,
How you acted,
What you wore,
How they reacted,
Why you did,
What you did,
The loud gasps,
The horror,
The shock,
They will never forget what you did that one night,
They will never let you forget.

Aine Tierney

My Day

We get homework and I get called a dork
I go when I wake up in the morning while yawning.
I see my friends to make mends
I eat my lunch with a munch munch munch
I play sport near the fort
I come home from every evening screaming
I don’t want to go to school I feel like a fool



When I first walked through those school doors, I was already bored.
Inside the toilets the second year boys gathered, smoking, vaping.
I struggled through my French exam, I just wanted to be in Amsterdam.
Afterwards I was upset, then I realised I still had a baguette!

Ryan Reidy


I played my first match
I went up for a big catch
I eat my lunch
Munch munch munch
I see my friends
And we make our mends
I got homework yesterday
I do it everyday

Erin Lenihan


The people it’s seen
The footsteps left behind
Sliotars being belted off the walls
They remember the winners
They remember the losers
They remember it all

Kevin Normoyle

Here to Stay

The screams of joy from a kid’s birthday game,
Our parties nowadays are never the same.
The cheers and chatter from family gatherings,
The mothers and fathers would only be blabbering.
The stress of people studying for exams,
No one in the house would ever be calm.
The day that we all left for college,
Some looking for love, some looking for knowledge.
The cries of sadness when grandad passed away,
These memories will always be here to stay.

Vicky O’ Connell


Princess dolls
Our first day of school
From princess dolls
To growing up
You graduating school
Not yet an adult
But no longer a child
Uncertain mind
It’s all a part of life

Natalie Mason


I met my new friends
I hope we will be friends till life ends
I fought with them, played with them and learned about myself
I will never leave them by themselves.
We got in trouble
This made us become more humble
We laughed with each other
We were like family, it was like we had the same brother

Niamh Fahy

Cherish Forever

We tremble with our small squeaky voices
As the wall witnesses our path of choices
It sees the emotions in our faces
The big wide smile and when our heart races
It sees the days we make our friends
And the days we all make a mends
The days of results and the buzz in the school
Who is the king and who is the fool
In this school we learns how we can become clever
We make the memories we will cherish forever

Colm Tynan


The dinners are devoured; plates pile up in the sink,
The dog licks left over food from the feast
The family gathers, the fire burns in the cold night,
Christmas movies for the whole family.
Secrets are told, gossiping and giggling,
The midnight memories we are missing,
Dresses are pulled out of wardrobes,
High heels clacking the hallway feels fashion show
The dog cuddles up with the heat of the dryer
Warming her fur from the puddles she bathes in
The Christmas tree goes up
The whole family comes together for decorating
And reminiscing their free time together

Chloe O’Shaughnessy


I met my friends
I hope we’ll be together till life ends
I argued with them and talked to them
We grew together like a flower from a stem
We all grew up
Together we won our first cup
We laughed at jokes
Where we heard the teachers croaks
Where we did our work
And watched the children smirk
I eat my lunch
I love my munch
I study hard
I wrote a goodbye card
I’ll have my last day
It’ll be a sad goodbye to say

Emma O Flynn